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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               3.   Friedberg,  S.H.,  Insel,  A.J.,  &  Spence,  L.E.  (2002).    maximal ideals, Jacobson and prime radicals, semiprimitive
                   Linear  algebra  (4   ed.).  Upper  Saddle  River,  NJ:   and  semiprime  rings,  rings  with  chain  condition,  primitive
                   Prentice-Hall.                              rings, group rings.
               4.   Sheldon,  A.  (2015).      Linear  algebra  done  right  (3
                   ed.). New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.    Assessment:
               5.   Yang, Y.S. (2015).  A concise text on advanced linear   Continuous Assessment:      40%
                   algebra. Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press.   Final Examination:        60%

                                                               Medium of Instruction:
               SIM3005    MATRIX THEORY                        English

               Rank  and  nullity  of  matrices.  Inner  product  spaces,  the   Soft Skills:
               Gram-Schmidt process, least squares problems, ortogonal   CTPS3, LL2
               matrices.  Diagonalization  for  real  symmetric  matrices,
               quadratic  forms,  semi  positive  definite  matrices.  The   References:
               singular  value  decomposition.  Generalized  inverses  and   1.   Cohn,  P.M.  (2001).    Introduction  to  Ring  Theory
               linear systems, Moore-Penrose inverses.             (Springer   Undergraduate   Mathematics   Series).
               Assessment:                                     2.   Herstein,  I.  N.  (2005).  Noncommutative  rings  (Carus
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                    Mathematical  Monographs  No.  15).  Math.  Assoc.  of
               Final Examination:           60%                    America.
                                                               3.   Beachy,  J.  A.  (1999).  Introductory  lectures  on  rings
               Medium of Instruction:                              and modules (London Maths. Soc. Student Texts 47).
               English                                             Cambridge University Press.
                                                               4.   Lam,  T.Y.  (2010).    Exercises  in  classical  ring  theory
               Soft Skills:                                        (2  ed.) (Problem Books in Mathematics). Springer.
               CS3, CTPS3, LL2

               References:                                     SIM3008   GROUP THEORY
               1.   Zhang, F.Z. (2011).  Matrix theory: Basic results and
                   techniques (2  ed.). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.   The  three  isomorphism  theorems.  Cyclic  groups.  Direct
               2.   Horn, R., & Johnson, C.R. (2013). Matrix analysis (2    product  of  groups.  Introduction  to  the  three  Sylow’s
                   ed.). Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press.   Theorem.  Classification  of  groups  up  to  order  8.  Finitely
               3.   Steeb,  W.,  &  Hardy,  Y.  (2011).  Matrix  calculus  and   generated  abelian  groups.  Nilpotent  groups  and  Soluble
                   Kronecker  product  (2   ed.).  Singapore:  World   groups
                   Scientific Publishing.
               4.   Bapat, R.B. (2012). Linear algebra and linear Models   Assessment:
                   (3  ed.). London, UK: Springer-Verlag.      Continuous Assessment:       40%
               5.   Zhan,  X.Z.  (2013).  Matrix  theory.  Providence,  RI:    Final Examination:        60%
                   American Mathematical Society.
                                                               Medium of Instruction:
               SIM3006      ALGEBRA II
                                                               Soft Skills:
               Groups-Isomorphism theorems. Permutation groups. Group   CTPS3, LL2
               actions, p-groups.
               Rings-Maximal  and  prime  ideals.  Polynomial  rings.  Field   1.   Ledermann,  W.,  Weir,  A.  J.,  &  Jeffery,  A.  (1997).
               extensions. Finite fields.                          Introduction to group theory (2  ed.). Addison Wesley
                                                                   Pub. Co.
               Assessment:                                     2.   Rotman, J. J. (2014). An Introduction to the theory of
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                    groups (4th ed.). New Work: Springer-Verlag.
               Final Examination:           60%                3.   Gallian,  A.  J.  (2017).  Contemporary  abstract  algebra
                                                                   (9  ed.). Brooks Cole.
               Medium of Instruction:
                                                               SIM3009  DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY
               Soft Skills:
               CTPS3, LL2                                      Vector  algebra  on  Euclidean  space.  Lines  and  planes.
                                                               Change  of  coordinates.  Differential  geometry  of  curves.
               References:                                     Frenet  Equations.  Local  theory  of  surfaces  in  Euclidean
               1.   Durbin, J. R. (2009). Modern algebra: An Introduction   space.  First  and  second  fundamental  forms.  Gaussian
                   (6  ed.). John Wiley.                       curvatures  and  mean  curvatures.  Geodesics.  Gauss-
               2.   Fraleigh,  J.  B.  (2003).  A  first  course  in  abstract   Bonnet Theorem.
                   algebra (7  ed.). Addison-Wesley.
               3.   Gallian, J. (2012).  Contemporary abstract algebra (8    Assessment:
                   ed.). Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.         Continuous Assessment:       40%
               4.   Hungerford,  T.W.  (2014).  Abstract  algebra:  An   Final Examination:        60%
                   Introduction (3  ed.).  Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
                                                               Medium of Instruction:
               SIM3007    RING THEORY                          Soft Skills:
                                                               CS3, CTPS3, LL2
               Ring,  subrings  and  ideals,  modules,  internal  direct  sum,
               external direct product, nil and nilpotent ideals, prime and
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