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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Assessment                                      Medium of Instruction:
               Continuous Assessment:       50%                English
               Final Examination:           50%
                                                               Soft Skills:
               Medium of Instruction:                          CS2, CTPS3, LL2
               Bahasa Malaysia/English
               Soft Skills:                                    1.   William  F.  Trench.  (2013).  Elementary  differential
               CTPS3, LL2                                          equations. Retrieved from:
               References:                                         CH_DIFF_EQNS_I.PDF
               1.  Craig  S.  Leng.  (2013).  Learning  to  program  using   2.   Paul  Blanchard,  Robert  L.  Devaney,  &  Glen  R.  Hall.
                  MATLAB. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.                  (2012). Differential equations (4  ed.). Cengage.
               2.  Stephen  J.  Chapman.  (2016).  MATLAB  programming   3.   James  C.  Robinson.  (2004).  An  introduction  to
                  for   engineers. Cengage Learning.               differential equations. Cambridge University Press.
               3.  MATLAB ® primer R2018a. (2018). MathWorks, Inc.
               4.  Alfio  Quarteroni,  Fausto  Saleri,  &  Paola  Gervasio
                  (2010). Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave.     SIN2001   MATHEMATICAL METHODS II
                  Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
               5.  Brian  R.  Hunt,  Ronald  L.  Lipsman,  Jonathan  M.            Computer  arithmetic:  floating-point  numbers,  round  off
                  Rosenberg,  Kevin  R.  Coombes,  John  E.  Osborn,  &           error,  machine  precision,  overflow/underflow,  numerical
                  Garrett  J.  Stuck.  (2006).  A  guide  to  MATLAB  ®  for   cancellation, truncation error.
                  beginners and experienced users. Cambridge University
                  Press.                                       Taylor polynomial and limits.

                                                               Interpolation:  Lagrange  interpolation,  Divided  differences,
               SIN1002  INTRODUCTION TO  WORKSHEETS            Hermite interpolation, cubic spline interpolation

               Basics  of  Spreadsheet,  entering  labels,  numbers  and   Roots  of  nonlinear  equation:  bisection method,  fixed-point
               formulae. Absolute  &  relative  addressing,  Excel  functions.   iteration, Newton – Raphson method, secant method.
               Graph  plotting,  use  of  solvers.  Applications  to  some   Numerical  differentiation:  Forward,  backward  and  central
               selected mathematical problems                  finite difference.

               Assessment                                      Numerical Integration: Rectangular, trapezoidal, Simpson’s,
               Continuous Assessment:       50%                Romberg’s. Composite methods.
               Final Examination:           50%
                                                               System  of  linear  equations.  Matrix  factorization,  LU
               Medium of Instruction:                          factorization.
               Bahasa Malaysia/English
               Soft Skills:                                    Continuous Assessment:       40%
               CTPS3, LL2                                      Final Examination:           60%

               References:                                     Medium of Instruction:
               1.   Ronald  W.  Larsen.  (2011).  Engineering  with  Excel.   Bahasa Malaysia/English
                   Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
               2.   S. C. Bloch, & Sylvan Charles Bloch. (2003). Excel for   Soft Skills:
                   engineers and scientists. John Wiley & Sons.   C3, TS2, CTPS3, LL2
               3.   E.  Joseph  Billo.  (2007).  Excel  for  scientists  and
                   engineers: Numerical methods. Wiley-Interscience.   References:
               4.   Bernard  V.  Liengme.  (1997).  A  guide  to  Microsoft   1.   Atkinson, K. E. (1993). Elementary numerical analysis
                   Excel for scientists and engineers. London: Arnold.   (2  ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
                                                               2.   Burden,  R.  L.,  &  Faires,  J.  D.  (2012).  Numerical
                                                                   analysis (7  ed.). USA: Brooks/Cole.
               SIN1003   MATHEMATICAL METHODS I                3.   Brian  Bradie.  (2006).  A  friendly  introduction  to
                                                                   numerical analysis. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
               First  order  ODE:  Definitions,  solution  concepts,  valid
               solution  intervals.  Solutions  to  variable  separable
               equations, linear equations, Bernoulli, exact and non-exact,   SIN2002   STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING
               homogeneous  equations.  Some  applications  of  first  order
               ODE.                                            Algorithms: Structured programming  – sequence, decision
                                                               and loops. Object-oriented design.
               Linear  ODE  with  second  and  higher  order:  Definitions,
               solution  concepts,  linear  independence,  Wronskian.   C++  programming:  fundamental  data  types  –  int,  double,
               Solution   to   homogeneous   and   non-homogeneous   char. C++ operators, precedence. Pre-processor directives.
               equations. Method of undetermined coefficient, Variation of   In-Built functions. User-defined functions  – pass by value,
               parameters,  Series  solution  of  ordinary  differential   pass  by  reference.  One-dimensional  and  two-dimensional
               equations,  Frobenius’s  method,  Legendre  and  Bessel’s   arrays.
               equations. Some applications of second order ODE.   Introduction  to  user-defined  data  types  –  structures  and
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Applications  to  numerical  methods:  integer-  and  floating
               Final Examination:           60%                point arithmetic, root-finding, solution of ordinary differential
                                                               equations. Use of random number generators.

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