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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

                                                               SIN3013   FOURIER AND WAVELETS ANALYSIS
               SIN3011   SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING
                                                               Functions  and  Function  Spaces,  Fourier  Transform,
               Functions, arrays, structures, pointers, strings, classes in   Sampling,  Orthogonal  Wavelet  Systems,    Multi-resolution
               C++. Computation of special functions, solutions of linear   Analysis  (MRA),  Discrete  Wavelet  Transform,  Continuous
               systems of equations and of specific partial differential   Wavelet Transform, Wavelet Toolbox, Applications to data
               equations in C++.                               compression, de-noising and others.

               Assessment                                      Assessment
               Continuous Assessment:       50%                Continuous Assessment:       50%
               Final Examination:           50%                Final Examination:           50%

               Medium of Instruction:                          Medium of Instruction:
               English                                         English

               Soft Skills:                                    Soft Skills:
               CS3, CTPS3, TS2, LL2, LS2                       CTPS3, LL2

               References                                      References
                1.   D.  S.  Malik.  (2015).  C++  Programming  program   1.   Gilbert  Strang,  &  Truong  Nguyen.  (1996).  Wavelets
                    design  including  data  structures  (7   ed.).  Cengage   and filter banks (2  ed.). Wellesley College.
                    Learning.                                  2.   Albert Boggess, & Francis J. Narcowich. (2011). A first
                2.   Tony  Gaddis,  Judy  Walters,  &  Godfrey  Muganda.   course  in  wavelets  with  Fourier  analysis  (2   ed).
                    (2017).  Starting  with  C++  early  objects  (9   ed.).   Wiley.
                    Pearson Education, Inc.                    3.   Stéphane  Mallat.  (1999).  A  wavelet  tour  of  signal
                3.   Ward  Cheney,  &  David  Kincaid.  (2008).  Numerical   processing (2  ed.). Academic Press.
                    mathematics  and  computing  (6   ed.).  Thomas   4.   James  S. Walker.  (2008).  A  primer  on  wavelets  and
                    Brooks/Cole.                                   their  scientific  applications  (2   ed.).  Chapman  &
                4.   Richard  L.  Burden,  &  J.  Douglas  Faires.  (2011).   Hall/CRC.
                    Numerical analysis. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.   5.   Wavelet toolbox user’s guide. 2006. The MathWorks,
                5.   Joe Pitt-Francis, & Jonathan Whiteley. (2017). Guide   Inc.
                    to  scientific  computing  in  C++  (2   ed.).  Springer
                    International Publishing AG.
                                                               SIN3014  INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
               SIN3012   MECHANICS
                                                               Candidates are required to spend minimum 10 weeks
               Newton's laws of motion, central forces, motion in a plane   working with selected companies in selected areas of
               (cartesian,   polar   coordinates),   conservative   forces,   industry.
               conservation of energy and momentum, small oscillations,
               stable and unstable equilibriums.               Assessment
               Lagrangian   mechanics:   constraints,   generalized   Continuous Assessment:       100%     S/U
               coordinates,  principle  of  least  action,  Euler-Langrange
               equations.                                      Medium of Instruction:
                                                               Bahasa Malaysia/English
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Soft Skills:
               Final Examination:           60%                CS4, CTPS3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS3

               Medium of Instruction:                          References
               English                                         University of Malaya Guidebook for Industrial Training

               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CTPS4, LL2                                 SIN3015   MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE PROJECT

               References                                      Subject to supervising lecturer
               1.   Herbert  Goldstein,  Charles  Poole,  &  John  Safko.
                   (2014).  Classical  mechanics  (3   ed.).  Pearson   Assessment
                   Education Limited.                          Continuous Assessment:       100%
               2.   Grant  R.  Fowles,  &  George  L.  Cassiday.  (2005).
                   Analytical mechanics (7  ed.). Brook/Cole.   Medium of Instruction:
               3.   Tai  L.  Chow.  (2013).  Classical  mechanics  (2   ed.).   Bahasa Malaysia/English
                   Taylor & Francis Group. LLC.
               4.   Stephen  T.  Thornton,  &  Jerry  B.  Marion.  (2004).   Soft Skills:
                   Classical dynamics of particles and systems (5  ed.).   CS4, CTPS4, TS2, LL2
                   Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.                   References
               5.   Tom  W.  B.  Kibble,  &  Frank  H.  Berkshire.  (2004).    Refer to the lecturer.
                   Classical mechanics (5  ed.). IImperial College Press.

                                                               SIQ1001    INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING

                                                               Basic  principles  of  accounting  –  including  the  role  of
                                                               accounting  standards.  Different  types  of  business  entity.
                                                               Basic  structure  of  company  accounts.  Interpretation  and
                                                               limitation of company accounts.

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