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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Assessment                                      2.   E.   Kreyzig.   (2006).   Advanced   engineering
               Continuous Assessment:       50%                    mathematics (9  ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
               Final Examination:           50%                3.   E.  Butkov.  (1966).  Mathematical  physics.  Addison-
               Medium of Instruction:                          4.   R.  K.  Nagle,  &  E.  B.  Saff.  (1996).  Fundamentals  of
               English                                             differential  equations  and  boundary  value  problems
                                                                   (2  ed.). Addison-Wesley.
               Soft Skills:                                    5.   W.  E.  Boyce,  &  R.C.  DiPrima.  (2011).  Elementary
               CS3, CPTS3, LL2                                     differential  equations  and  boundary  value  problems
                                                                   (8  ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
               1.  John R. Hubbard. (2014). Programming with C++ (2
                  ed.), McGraw-Hill.                           SIN2005   SYSTEM  OF  ORDINARY  DIFFERENTIAL
               2.  James  P.  Cohoon,  &  Jack W.  Davidson.  (2002).  C++   EQUATIONS
                  program  design:  An  introduction  to  programming  and
                  object-oriented design (3  ed.). McGraw-Hill.   Systems  of  homogeneous  linear  first  order  differential
               3.  Harvey  Deitel,  &  Paul  Deitel.  (2003).  C++  how  to   equations  with  constant  coefficients.  Systems  of  non-
                  program (4  ed.). Pearson.                   homogeneous  linear  differential  equations.  Autonomous
               4.  Frank  L.  Friedman,  &  Elliot  B.  Koffman.  (2011).   systems for linear and almost linear systems, and stability.
                  Problem Solving, abstraction and design using C++ (3    Liapunov’s method. Applications.
                  ed.). Addison-Wesley.
               5.  Rubin  H.  Landau.  (2008).  A  survey  of  computational   Assessment
                  physics: Introductory computational science. Princeton   Continuous Assessment:       40%
                  Press.                                       Final Examination:           60%

                                                               Medium of Instruction:
               SIN2003     BASIC OPERATIONAL RESEARCH          Bahasa Malaysia/English

               Introduction  to  the  problems  in  operational  research,   Soft Skills:
               modelling, formulation and examples. Linear programming,   CS4, CTPS5, TS2, LL2
               transportation   and   assignment   problems.   Integer
               programming, game theory and dynamic programming.   References.
                                                               1.   William  E.  Boyce,  &  Richard  C.  Prima  (2017).
               Assessment                                          Elementary  differential  equations  and  boundary
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                    value problems (11  ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
               Final Examination:           60%                2.   Dennis  G.  Zill,  &  Michael  R.  Cullen.  (2009).
                                                                   Differential   equations   with   boundary   value
               Medium of Instruction:                              problems   (7    ed.).   Brooks/Cole,   Cengage
               English                                             Learning.
                                                               3.   R.  Kent  Nagle,  Edward  B.  Saff,  &  Arthur  David
               Soft Skills:                                        Snider.  (2012).  Fundamentals  of  differential
               CS3, CTPS3, LL2                                     equations (8  ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
                                                               4.   Dominic  Jordan,  &  Peter  Smith.  (2007).  Nonlinear
               References:                                         ordinary  differential  equations:  An  introduction  for
               1.   H.A.  Taha.  (2015).  Introduction  to  operational   scientists and engineers (4  ed.). Oxford University
                   research. John Wiley.                           Press.
               2.   W.L.   Winston.   (1994).   Operational   research:   5.   Lawrence Perko. (2001). Differential equations and
                   applications and algorithm. Duxbury Press.      dynamical systems (3  ed.). New York: Springer-
               3.   F.S. Hillier, & G.J. Lieberman. (2011). Introduction to   Verlag, Inc.
                   operations research. McGraw-Hill.
               4.   B. Van Der Veen. (1967). Introduction to the theory of
                   operational Research. London: Cleaver-Hume P.   SIN2006    VECTOR ANALYSIS

                                                               Scalar  and  vector  fields.  Dot  and  cross  products.  Scalar
               SIN2004   PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS        and vector triple products.
                                                               Vector  differentiation  (ordinary  and  partial). Space  curves.
               Fourier series. Introduction to partial differential equations,   Displacement,  velocity,  and  acceleration.  Gradient.
               Method  of  characteristic,  Separation  of  variables,  Laplace   Divergence. Curl.
               transform method.                               Line integrals and work. Conservative vector fields  – path
                                                               independence,  potential  functions.  Surface  integrals.
               Assessment                                      Green’s  theorem.  Stokes’  theorem.  Volume  integrals.
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Divergence theorem of Gauss.
               Final Examination:           60%                Curvilinear  coordinates  –  polar,  cylindrical,  spherical
               Medium of Instruction:
               Bahasa Malaysia/English                         Assessment
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Soft Skills:                                    Final Examination:           60%
               CS3, CTPS3, LL2                                 Medium of Instruction:
                                                               Bahasa Malaysia/English
               1.   D.  G.  Zill,  &  M.  R.  Cullen.  (2005).  Differential   Soft Skills:
                   equations  with  boundary-value  problems  (7   ed.).   CS3, CTPS3, LL2

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