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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Cavity modes, Einstein A and B coefficient, Quantum theory of two-level   5.  B. E. A. Saleh, M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, 2nd ed.
               system  interacting  with  light,  Light  matter  interactions:  Absorption,   (Wiley, 2013)
               spontaneous emission and stimulated emission, 3-level laser system, 4-
               level   laser   system,   Homogeneous   linewidth   broadening,   SIF3006 OPTOELECTRONICS (3 CREDITS)
               Inhomogeneous  linewidth  broadening,  Optical  resonators,  Modes  of
               oscillation: Transverse and longitudinal modes, Mode density and cavity   Nature  of  light;  Optical  interferometer;  Dielectric  mirror;  Diffraction
               lifetime, Threshold power, small signal gain, gain saturation and power   gratings; P-N junctions; Principles and characteristics of photodetectors;
               extraction,  TEM00  modes  and  its  propagation,  Q-switching,  Mode-  PIN  and  avalanche  photodiodes;  Photon  counters;  Single  photon
               locking,  Examples  of  solid-state,  gas  and  dye  lasers,  Introduction  to   detectors  and  Photo  Multiplier  Tube;  Light  emitting  diodes;
               nonlinear  optics:  nonlinear  optical  medium,  Frequency  upconversion   Semiconductor lasers; Semiconductor optical amplifiers;
               and frequency downconversion, Optical parametric amplifier  and optical   Electro-optics  effect;  Acousto-optics  effect;  Pockels  effect;  Optical
               parametric oscillator, Phase matching, Saturable absorption and two-  modulators: Phase, polarization and amplitude; Bit rate and bandwidth;
               photon absorption, Stimulated Raman Scattering, Electro-optic effect,   Transmitter  and  receiver  modules  types  for  optical  communications;
               Magneto-optic effect, Acousto-optic effect, Optical Kerr effect.   Optical storage; Optical imaging (CCD and CMOS); Physics of Solar
               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%                      Assessment Method:
                Continuous Assessment:    40%                    Final Examination:     60%
                                                                 Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Medium of Instruction:
               CS2, CTPS3, TS1, LS1, EM1                        Soft-skills:
                                                                CS2, CTPS3, LL2, EM1
               1.  W. T. Silfvast, Laser Fundamentals 2nd ed. (Cambridge University   References:
                  Press, 2004)                                  1.  S. O. Kasap, Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles & Practices
               2.  F.L. Pedrotti, L.M. Pedrotti, & L.S. Pedrotti, Introduction to Optics,   (Pearson Education, 2013)
                  3rd ed. (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007)         2.  G.  Keiser,  Optical  Fiber  Communications,  3rd  ed.  (McGraw-Hill
               3.  J. T. Verdeyen, Laser Electronics 3rd ed. (Prentice Hall, 1994)   Book Co., 2000)
               4.  K. F. Renk, Basics of Laser Physics, (Springer, 2012)   3.  J. Piprek, Optoelectronic Devices (Academic Press, 2013)
               5.  G.  R.  Fowles,  Introduction  to  Modern  Optics,  2nd  Ed.  (Courier,   4.  S. C. Gupta, Optoelectronics Devices and Systems, 2nd Ed. (PHI
                  2012)                                            Learning, 2014)
               6.  C. B. Hitz, J. J. Ewing, J. Hecht, Introduction to Laser Technology,
                  4th ed. (Wiley, 2012)                         SIF2014 COSMOLOGY AND GENERAL RELATIVITY (3 CREDITS)

               SIF2013 PHOTONICS (3 CREDITS)                    Formalism  of  tensors,  General  Relativity,  Black  Holes,  Gravitational
                                                                Waves, Cosmology.
               Basics of optical fibre waveguides; Total internal reflection; Acceptance
               angle and Numerical aperture; Skew rays; Electromagnetic mode theory   Assessment Method:
               for optical propagation in guided medium; Modes in a planar waveguide;   Final Examination:    60%
               Phase and group velocity; Phase shift with total internal reflection and   Continuous Assessment:    40%
               evanescent field; Goos-Haenchen shift; Multimode optical fibre; Single
               mode  optical  fibre;  Transmission  characteristics  of  optical  fibre;   Medium of Instruction:
               Attenuation, Material absorption losses in silica glass fibre; Linear and   English
               nonlinear  scattering  losses;  Fibre  bend  loss;  Mid-IR  and  Far-IR
               transmission  in  optical  fibre;  Chromatic  and  intermodal  dispersion;   Soft-skills:
               Dispersion-modified  single-mode  fibres;  Polarization  and  nonlinear   CS2, CTPS3, LL2, EM1
               effects in optical fibres; Fabrication of optical fibres; Fibre and waveguide
               amplifiers  and  lasers;  Rare-earth doped  fibre amplifiers;  Raman  and   References:
               Brillouin  fibre  amplifiers;  Waveguide  amplifiers;  Optical  parametric   1.  An Introduction to Modern Cosmology, Andrew Liddle, 3rd Edition,
               amplifiers; Cross-gain modulation wavelength converter; Cross-phase   Wiley (2015)
               modulation  wavelength  converter;  Cross-absorption  modulation   2.  Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, Ta-Pei Cheng, 2nd Edition,
               wavelength converter.                               Oxford University Press (2010)
                                                                3.  Gravitation  and  cosmology:  principles  and  applications  of  the
               Assessment Method:                                  general  theory  of  relativity,  Steven  Weinberg,  Wiley;  1  edition
                Final Examination:     60%                         (1972)
                Continuous Assessment:    40%                   4.  Introduction to Cosmology, 4th Edition, Wliley (2015)
                                                                5.  Introduction  to  General  Relativity,  Black  Holes  and  Cosmology.
               Medium of Instruction:                              Oxford University Press (2015)
                                                                SIF2015 ASTROPHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
               CS2, CTPS3, LL2                                  Light and telescope, introduction to gravity, review on atom and spectra,
                                                                interaction of light and matter, information from spectra
               References:                                      The sun : atmosphere, solar activity and nuclear fusion
               1.  J. M. Senior, Optical Fiber Communications (Pearson Education,   The stars : properties of the stars; brightness, distances, masses, sizes,
                  2009)                                         nuclear processes, formation, stellar structure and evolution; birth and
               2.  S.O.  Kasap,  Optoelectronics  and  Photonics:  Principles  and   death of the stars
                  Practices (Pearson, 2013)                     The Universe : Milky Way galaxy, galaxies
               3.  A.R. Billings, Optics, optoelectronics, and photonics : engineering   Solar system : Origin of solar system, Earth
                  principles and applications (Prentice Hall, 1993)   Planetary system : Moon and Mercury,  Venus and Mars; Jupiter and
               4.  G. P. Agrawal, Fiber-optic communication Systems, 4th ed. (Wiley,   Saturn;  Uranus, Neptune and Kuiper Belt, meteorites, asteroids and
                  2012)                                         comets

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