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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%                      References:
                Continuous Assessment:    40%                   1.  R.  Boylestad  &  L.  Nashelsky,  Electronic  Devices  and  Circuit
                                                                   Theory, 10th ed. (Prentice Hall, 2008)
               Medium of Instruction:                           2.  T.L.  Floyd  &  D.  Buchla,  Electronics  Fundamentals:  Circuits,
               English                                             Devices, and Applications, 8th ed. (Prentice Hall, 2009)
                                                                3.  A.P. Malvino & D. Bates, Electronic Principles with simulation CD
               Soft-skills:                                        (Career Education, 2006)
               CS2, CT3, LL2                                    4.  A.J.  Diefenderfer  &  B.E.  Holton,  Principles  of  Electronic
                                                                   Instrumentation, 3  Edition (Saunders Coll. Publ., 1994)
               1.  H.J.  Pain,  The  Physics  of  Vibrations  &  Waves,  6   ed.  (Wiley,
                  Chichester, 2005)
               2.  G.C. King, Vibrations and Waves (Wiley, 2009)
               3.  W. Gough, Vibrations and Waves, 2nd ed. (Prentice Hall, 1996)
               4.  I.G. Main, Vibrations and Waves in Physics, 3rd ed. (Cambridge   SMES1205  EXPERIMENTAL METHODS
                  Univ. Press, 1993)
                                                                Experiment: Function and design. Quantitative Physics, dimensional
               SMES1202  THERMAL PHYSICS                        analysis.
                                                                Basic  measurements:  callipers,  electric  meters,  oscilloscopes.
               Temperature, heat conduction, diffusion. Radiation, Stefan’s law, Zeroth   Experimental  data  analysis:  precision  and  accuracy,  significant
               law of thermodynamics, work and heat; First, Second and third  laws of   figures, systematic error, statistical error, propagation of uncertainties of
               thermodynamics;  entropy;  phase  transition,  phase  diagrams;  kinetic   measurement,  uncertainty  analysis,  statistical  analysis,  data  fitness,
               theory  for  ideal  gas,  Maxwell-Boltzmann  distribution;  real  gas.   confidence limit, test for bias, calibration. Treatment and reduction data.
               Introduction  to  statistical  mechanics:  microstates,  equipartition  of   Data presentation: Tables and graphs. Reporting writing, Laboratory
               energy, partition function, basic statistics for thermodynamics; statistical   safety.4
               entropy and information as negative entropy.
                                                                Assessment Method:
               Assessment Method:                                Final Examination:     60%
                Final Examination:     60%                       Continuous Assessment:    40%
                Continuous Assessment:    40%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:                           English
               Soft-skills:                                     CS2, CT3, LL2
               CS2, CT3, LL2
               References:                                      1.  J.P. Holman, Experimental Methods for Engineers (McGraw-Hill,
               1. S.J. Blundell & K.M. Blundell, Concepts in Thermal Physics, 2nd ed.   2001)
                 (Oxford, 2009)                                 2.  J.R. Taylor, An Introduction to Error Analysis (University Science,
               2. F.W.  Sears  &  G.L.  Salinger,  Thermo-dynamics,  Kinetic  Theory  &   1997)
                 Statistical Thermodynamics, 3  Ed. (Addison-Wesley, 1975)   3.  N.C.  Barford,  Experimental  Measurements:  Precision,  Error  and
               3. Daniel V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Thermal Physics (Addison   Truth (Wiley, 1991)
                 Wesley Longman, 2000)                          4.  J.  Topping,  Errors  of  Observation  and  their  Treatment,  3rd  ed.
               4. Mark  W.  Zemansky  &  Richard  H.  Dittman,  Heat  and   (IOP&PS, 1990)
                 Thermodynamics, 7  Ed. (McGraw-Hill Int’l Ed., 1997)
               5. Thomas  Espinola,  Introduction  to  Thermophysics  (Wm.C.  Brown
                 Publ., 1994)                                   SMES1271  PRACTICAL PHYSICS

               SMES1204  BASIC ELECTRONICS                      Physics  experiments  on  the  topics  of  mechanics,  heat,  electricity,
                                                                magnetism, optics and modern physics. Simple computer programming
               Circuit Theory: Kirchhoff’s law, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem,
               Ohm’s law, circuit analysis technique, impedance matching.   Assessment Method:
               Semiconductor  Diodes:  Properties  of  semiconductor,  pn  junction,   Continuous Assessment:    100%
               forward and reverse bias conditions, basic energy band diagrams, the
               current-voltage  characteristics  and  simple  diode  circuits;  the  use  of   Medium of Instruction:
               diodes in power supply circuits: half-wave, full-wave, bridge rectifiers;   English
               transformer,  capacitor-input  and  choke-input  filters,  special  diodes  –
               Zener diode, voltage regulators.                 Soft-skills:
               Bipolar junction Transistor (BJT): Characteristics of transistor, simple   CS3, CT3, TS1, LL2
               transistor circuit, current and voltage gain, load line concept, biasing
               requirements and D.C analysis of the circuits.   References:
               Field  Effect  Transistor  (JFET  and  MOSFET):  Constructions  and   Laboratory manual
               structures of JFET and MOSFET, principle of operation, current-voltage
               characteristics, biasing requirements and D.C. analysis.
                                                                SMEB1201 INTRODUCTION TO MATERIALS SCIENCE
               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%                      Atom,  molecule,  bonding  and  bonding  forces;  crystal  structure,  non-
                Continuous Assessment:    40%                   crystalline, microstructure; solidification; imperfections in solids, kinetics
                                                                and phase diagrams, diffusion.
               Medium of Instruction:                           Metals and alloys, ceramics and glasses, polymers and their derivatives,
               English                                          composites.
                                                                Mechanical,  thermal,  electrical,  magnetic  and  electronics  properties.
               Soft-skills:                                     Static and dynamics tests, stress, strain, tensile, shear, creep, fatigue,
               CS2, CT3, TS1, LL2                               failure analysis.

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