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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Assessment Method:                               English
                Final Examination:     60%
                Continuous Assessment:    40%                   Soft-skills:
                                                                CS2, CT3, LL2
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          References:
                                                                1.  F.  Reif,  Fundamentals  of  Statistical  and  Thermal  Physics
               Soft-skills:                                        (Waveland Pr Inc, 2008)
               CS3, CT3, LL2                                    2.  Silvio  R.A.  Salinas,  Introduction  to  Statistical  Physics  (Springer,
               References:                                      3.  R.  Bowley  and  M.  Sanchez,  Introductory  Statistical  Mechanics
               1.  William  D.  Callister,  Materials  Science  and  Engineering  :  An   (Oxford Science Publ., 2002)
                  Introduction, 6  Ed. (Wiley, 2002)            4.  F. Mandl, Statistical Physics, 2  ed. (Wiley, 1988)
               2.  Zbigniew D. Jastrzbeski, The Nature and Properties of Engineering   SMEB2101    MAGNETIC  AND  SUPERCONDUCTOR  PROPERTIES
                  Materials, 3  Ed. (Wiley,1987)                OF MATERIALS
               3.  William F. Smith, Principles of Materials Science and Engineering,
                  3  Ed. (McGraw-Hill, 1996)                    The course covers the bipolar and field effect transistor Basic concept
                                                                of  magnetism:  susceptibility,  permeability,  magnetic  induction,
               SMEB1202   MODERN PHYSICS FOR MATERIALS SCIENCE   magnetization, magnetic moment.
               Quantum Theory: The need for quantum theory; duality of particle-  Paramagnetism: Curie constant, Curie–Weiss law, Hund’s rule
               wave;  wave  function;  Heisenberg  uncertainty,  Time  independent   Ferromagnetism:  remanence,  coercive  field,  hysteresis,  Curie
               Schrodinger equation; examples in 1-D, Infinitely square potential well,   temperature
               etc. Derivation of Second Newton Law from quantum mechanics.   Piezomagnetism;  magnetostriction,  magnetic  domains;  Kerr  effect,
               Atomic matter: summary of atomic structure and periodic table; types   Barkhausen effect
               of atomic bonding, Van de Waals bond, Lennard Jones potential and its   Superconductor:  Meissner  Effect,  London  penetration  depth,
               relation to mass characteristics; crystal structures, summary of phonon   Josephson effect
               concepts. Summary of electron conduction in conductor, semiconductor   Type of magnets and materials; Application of Magnetic materials :
               and insulator.                                   Magnetic  resonance  imaging,  hard  discs,  giant  magnetoresistance,
               Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity: Structure and characteristics of   superconducting quantum interference device spintronics
               nucleus, binding energy, nuclear forces; radioactivity, conservation laws,
               Q-value, natural radioactivity series; nuclear reactions, cross-section,   Assessment Method:
               compound  nucleus,    summary  of  nuclear  technology  and  nuclear   Final Examination:    60%
               reactor; X-ray spectrum and atomic number (Bremsstrahlung).    Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Examples  of  the  use  of  quantum  theory  and  nuclear  physics  in
               materials science.                               Medium of Instruction:
               Assessment Method:
                Final Examination:     60%                      Soft-skills:
                Continuous Assessment:    40%                   CS2, CT3, LL2

               Medium of Instruction:                           References:
               English                                          1.  L.C.  Cullity,  C.D.  Graham,  Introduction  to  Magnetic  Materials
               Soft-skills:                                     2.  University Joseph Fourier, Magnetism: Fundamentals, (Springer,
               CS3, CT3, LL2                                       2004)
                                                                3.  R.C.  O’Handley,  Modern  Magnetic  Materials  Principles  (Wiley-
               References:                                         Interscience, 1999)
               1.  S.T.  Thornton  &  A.  Rex,  Modern  Physics  for  Scientists  and   4.  M.  Tinkham,  Introduction  to  Superconductivity,  2nd  ed.  (Dover,
                  Engineers, 3rd ed. (Brooks Cole, 2005)           2004).
               2.  R.A.  Serway,  C.J.  Moses,  C.A. Moyer, Modern  Physics,  3   ed.
                  (Saunders, 2005)
               3.  A. Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, 6  ed. (McGraw-Hill, 2002)   SMEB2102  MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS
               4.  K. Krane, Modern Physics, 2  ed. (Wiley, 1996)
               5.  R. Eisberg & R. Resnick, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules,   Mechanical Response: Tensile Strength, Tensile Stress, Stiffness in
                  Solids, Nuclei & Particles, 2nd ed. (Wiley, 1985)   Tension, Young's Modulus. Poisson Effect, Shearing Stress and strain,
                                                                Stress-Strain Curve
               LEVEL 2                                          Thermodynamics  of  Mechanical  Responses:  Enthalpic  Response,
                                                                Entropic Response, Viscoelasticty
               SMES2205  STATISTICAL PHYSICS                    Yield and Plastic Flow: Multiaxial Stress states, Effect of Hydrostatic
                                                                Pressure,  Effect  of  rate  and  Temperature,  Continuum  Plasticity,
                                                                Dislocation  basis  of  yield  and  creep,  kinetics  of  creep  in  crystalline
               Summary of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics formulation in statistical   materials
               terms,  application  of  canonical  ensemble  approach  with  examples   Fracture: Atomistic of Creep Rupture, Fracture Mechanics- The energy
               related  to    paramagnetic  solid  and  specific  heat  capacity  of  solid,
               distribution  of  classical  and  quantum  particles,  Maxwell-Boltzmann   approach and the Stress intensity Approach ,Fatigue
               distribution and the perfect classical gas, quantum perfect gas, Bose-  Materials  design  for  high  performance  mechanical  materials  for
                                                                industrial and civil applications
               Einstein  and  Fermi-Dirac  distributions.  Applications:  phonon  in  solid,
               photon and black  body  radiation,  low  temperature physics.  Shannon   Assessment Method:
               information theory, entropy, collective entropy, communication line.   Final Examination:    60%

               Assessment Method:                                Continuous Assessment:    40%
                Final Examination:     60%                        Medium of Instruction:
                Continuous Assessment:    40%                   English

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