Page 93 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 93
Kursus Teras
Core Courses
AID1001 AID2008
Alam Sekitar Fizikal Kajian Kelestarian di Lapangan
Physical Environment Field Work on Sustainability Research
AID1002 AIB2008
Alam Sekitar dan Manusia Penderiaan Jauh
Environmental and Human Remote Sensing
AID1007 AID2013
Konsep dan Isu Kelestarian Cuaca dan iklim
Concepts and Issues in Sustainability Weather and climate
AID1009 AID2014
Kartografi Kaedah Statistik Alam Sekitar
Cartography Statistical Methods of Environmental
AID1011 AID3003
Kaedah Analisis Alam Sekitar Perundangan Alam Sekitar
Methods in Environmental Analysis Environmental Law
AID2001 AIB3011
Pengurusan Alam Sekitar Aplikasi Dan Pelaksanaan Sistem
Environmental Management Informasi Geografi
Application and Implementation of Geo-
AID2002 graphic Information Systems
Sistem Informasi Geografi Dalam Kajian
Alam Sekitar AID3013
Geographic Information Systems in Etika Alam Sekitar
Environmental Studies Environmental Ethics
Development comes with a price, and that price is the decay of our natural environment. Does that mean we should stop
developing our nation in order to preserve our environment? Or should we forgo our environment for developments’ sake?
This programme will hopefully produce graduates who will find the middle ground for the tug-of-war between development and
the environment. Covering interdisciplinary subjects ranging from biology, geology, policy studies and law, geography, religion,
civil and chemical engineering, chemistry, economics, history, and sociology, students will face environmental studies as a whole,
enabling them to have an analytical and functional perspective on the environmental issues facing our world today.
Career Opportunity
• Environmental Education • Environmental Scientist
• Media Production • Resource Planner/Manager for
related government agencies
• Environmental and Alternative
• Conservation Officer with related
• Health Sustainable Agriculture government agencies
• Environment and Community Arts • Educator