Page 12 - MSAL 2023/2024
P. 12


               The assessment of examinations shall be based on the following grading scheme:

                       Marks                  Grade              Grade Points             Meaning
                    90.00-100.00                A+                    4.0              High Distinction
                     80.00-89.99                A                     4.0                Distinction
                     75.00-79.99                A-                    3.7
                           B+                    3.3                   Pass
                     65.00-69.99                B                     3.0
                     60.00-64.99                B-                    2.7                    Fail
                     55.00-59.99                C+                    2.3
                     50.00-54.99                C                     2.0
                     45.00-49.99                C-                    1.7
                     40.00-44.99                D+                    1.5
                     35.00-39.99                D                     1.0
                     0,00-34,99                  F                    0.0

                                     The passing grade for all courses is grade B.

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