Page 21 - RESEARCH 2023/2024
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                       FOR POSTGRADUATE CANDIDATES (SESSION 2017/2018 ONWARDS)
                                           (Senate Approval on 24.8.2017)

               Publication(s) produced by postgraduate candidates in fulfilment of graduation requirements
               must comply with the following criteria:

                CRITERIA                                          REMARK

                1. Type   of       Publications
                Publications       (1) Research article or review article in journals indexed in:
                                      (a) Web of Science Core Collection databases (
                                         ● Science Citation Index Expanded™,
                                         ● Social Sciences Citation Index® and
                                         ● Arts & Humanities Citation Index®
                                      (b) Scopus (; or
                                      (c) *Malaysian Citation Index (MyCite) (

                                   (2) *Books published by publishers listed in:
                                      (a) Web of Science (WoS) Master Book List (
                                      (b) Malaysian Scholarly Publishing Council o r Majlis Penerbitan Ilmiah Malaysia ( M A P I
                                      M ) (
                                      (c) Any publishers listed and recognized by Academic Responsible Centre (PTj)

                                   *Only applicable to candidates pursuing programmes in the field of Arts and Social Sciences.
                2. Authorship      Publications must be published with the supervisor(s). The supervisor shall act as the
                                   corresponding author. In the event that the candidate has more than one supervisor, one of
                                   them shall be the corresponding author.

                                   The candidate must be the first author or either the second or subsequent author after the
                                   supervisor(s), or the first student author. In the event, two or more candidates co-authored in
                                   an  article, only one candidate is  allowed to use this article to  fulfil his/her graduation
                3. Authorship      Candidate must provide a copy of authorship document that was submitted to the respective
                Agreement          publishers (e.g. Authorship Agreement/Form or Statement of Authorship or cover letter of
                                   article submission), confirming all the named authors has agreed to publication.
                4. Timing          Publications must be within the candidature of the candidate
                5. Topic of        Publications must be related and conform to the candidate’s research  in his/her
                publications       thesis/dissertation
                6. Affiliation     Publications must carry the affiliation of the department and/or faculty where the candidate
                                   is registered
                7. Blacklisted     Publications in journals blacklisted by the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MoE) are  not
                journals           accepted:
                                   (1) Academic Journal (;
                                   (2) Euro Journal Inc. (;
                                   (3) Common Ground Publishing (;
                                   (4) Africa World Press Inc. (
                                   The list of blacklisted journals is subject to change from time to time according to MoE.
                8. Completion      Candidates who have completed the examination of their thesis/dissertation must fulfil the
                period             publication requirement as set by the University before the expiry of their maximum period
                                   of candidature.
                                   Candidates who have completed their thesis/dissertation examination and reached their
                                   maximum period of candidature but are yet to fulfil the stipulated publication requirement,
                                   may be given a  period of 12 months from the date of the final submission of thesis/
                                   dissertation to do so. In this case, the application must be submitted to the Director  of
                                   Academic Administration and Services Centre (AASC) for approval.
                                   If the candidates fail to fulfil the publication requirement within the approved period, they will
                                   be terminated from the program of study and considered as failed.

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