Page 65 - AEI Insights Vol. 7 2021
P. 65

Jingyi et al, 2021

               thousand square km). In term of land area, Indonesia is 2,720 times as large as Singapore.
               Secondly, the total population in ASEAN countries amounted to 656.3 million. Indonesia is
               the largest country in term of the population  (267.6 million) while Brunei is the smallest
               country (0.4 million). Indonesia is 669 times as large as Brunei in term of population. Thirdly,
               the total GDP in ASEAN countries amounted to 3.2 trillion US dollars. Once again, Indonesia
               has the biggest national income (US$1.2 trillion) while Brunei has the smallest national income
               (US$13.3 million). In term of GDP, Indonesia is 90 time as large as Brunei. Finally, there are
               three ASEAN  countries whose income per person are greater than US$10,000, namely
               Singapore (US$68,487), Brunei (US$30,204) and Malaysia (US$11,484). By contrast, there
               are four countries whose income per person is less than US$3,000, namely Cambodia, Lao
               PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. These countries  are known as CLMV countries. The main
               objective of ASEAN economic policy is  to stimulate economic growth in these CLMV
               countries to catch with richer ASEAN countries, such as Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia.

               Table 2: Geographic size, population and income (2020)
                               Land Area           Total Population    GDP                 GDP per capita

                               (1000 square km)  (million)             (billion       US (US dollars)

                 Brunei        5.7                 0.4                 13.3                30,240

                 Cambodia      181.0               15.2                21.8                1,614
                 Indonesia     1,904.5             267.6               1,200.0             4,460

                 Lao PDR       237.9               7.1                 20.1                2,670
                 Malaysia      330.8               32.7                381.5               11,484

                 Myanmar       676.5               52.5                66.1                1,245
                 Philippines   300.0               109.0               383.3               3,484

                 Singapore     0.7                 5.7                 391.3               68,487
                 Thailand      513.1               69.9                516.0               7,607

                 Vietnam       331.2               96.2                261.6               2,740
                 Total         4,681.4             656.3               3,255.0             -----

               Source: World Bank (2020)

               Table 3 reports four types of labour force participation rate (LFPR), namely the total LRPR,
               the male LFPR, the female LFPR and the LFPR gap or the difference between male and female
               LFPR. The findings from the table also indicate that there is a considerable difference in the
               LFPR among ASEAN countries. Firstly, the average level of total LFPR in ASEAN countries
               is 64.5. There are two countries whose total LFPR are greater than 70, namely Cambodia (81.7)
               and Vietnam (76.2). By contrast, there are two countries whose total LFPR is less than 60,
               namely Lao (40.7) and the Philippines (58.9). Cambodia has the highest level of total LFPR
               while Lao has the lowest level of the total LFPR. In other words, Cambodia’s total LFPR is

   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70