Page 59 - AEI Insights 2020 - Vol. 6, Issue 1
P. 59

Rosland, 2020

               sides which will facilitate the ASEAN-ROK Sectoral Dialogue Relations agreed area. In July
               1991 , the relationship became a Full Dialogue Partnership at the 24  ASEAN Ministerial
               Meeting (AMM)  in Kuala Lumpur and in 1997, the partnership elevated to a summit level
               whereby  the  cooperation  between  ASEAN-ROK  was  led  to  the  development  of  official
               mechanism in various sectors.
               Since  then,  the  cooperation  developed  to  a  signing  of  the  Declaration  on  Comprehensive
               Cooperation Partnership at the 8th ASEAN-ROK Summit on 30  November 2004 in Vientiane
               and also adopted the ASEAN-ROK Plan of Action (POA) to implement the Joint Declaration
               at the 9th ASEAN-ROK Summit on 13  December 2005 in Kuala Lumpur. The growth of
               partnership extended to the establishment of ASEAN-ROK Centre  in Seoul in 2009 where
               this centre was used as an intergovernmental organisation to promote exchanges between South
               Korea  and  ASEAN  member  countries.  Its  objectives  are  1)  enhance  ASEAN-Korea
               partnership, 2) promote mutual understanding through, 3) cultural exchange and people-to-
               people  contact,  and  4)  support  ASEAN  integration  efforts  (CENTRE,  2016).    This  centre
               organized programme such as ASEAN school tour programme 2017, ASEAN Lecture series
               2017, various youth network workshop, and culinary festivals as part of the activities that can
               strengthen the cooperation among ten member countries and ROK.

               Socio-culture and Education Relationship

               The  relationship  between  ASEAN-ROK  came  under  various  platforms  which  showed  the
               commitments towards a successful regional cooperation. There are bilateral and multilateral
               relationship that came under ARF, APT, EAS, and ADMM Plus which have improved the
               mutual friendship between these two parties. With diverse issues and discussion brought into
               the platforms served under ASEAN, ROK has been empowered in their country’s position
               within the region.
               The  initial  stage  of  the  official  relationship  between  ASEAN  –  ROK  started  with  the
               establishment of the Sectorial Dialogue Partnership in 2 November 1989 – where both ASEAN
               and ROK began concentrating in the areas of trade, investment, and tourism. Both parties
               continuously  expanded  towards  the  development  cooperation,  transfer  of  technology,  and
               human resources development (HRD). In July 1991, the relationship became a Full Dialogue
               Partnership at the 24th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM) in Kuala Lumpur and in 1997, the
               partnership elevated to a summit level whereby the cooperation between ASEAN-ROK was
               led to the development of official mechanism in various sectors.
               The growth of partnership extended to the establishment of ASEAN-ROK Centre in Seoul in
               2009 where this centre was used as an intergovernmental organisation to promote exchanges
               between South Korea and ASEAN member countries. Its objectives are 1) enhance ASEAN-
               Korea partnership, 2) promote mutual understanding through, 3) cultural exchange and people-

               35  This is the second meeting of the ASEAN-ROK JSCC on 11 -12  June 1991 in Seoul which was attended by
               delegations from ASEAN member countries and ROK. The meeting was to review the previous cooperation
               projects and also to enhance the area discussed (the development cooperation, transfer of technology and human
               resources development).
               36  AMM established in 1967. It an annual meeting with ministers and it has both formal / informal meeting and
               retreats in between.
               37  The ASEAN-Korea Centre was established as an intergovernmental organization with the aim to promote
               exchanges among Korea and the ten ASEAN Member States. It was officially inaugurated in 13 March 2009, the
               year which marked the 20th anniversary of the Dialogue Partnership between ASEAN and Korea in accordance
               with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed at the 11th ASEAN-Republic of Korea (ROK) Summit
               in November 2007, and entered into force in December 2008(CENTRE, 2016).

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