Page 60 - AEI Insights 2020 - Vol. 6, Issue 1
P. 60

AEI Insights, Vol 6, Issue 1, 2020

               to-people contact, and 4) support ASEAN integration efforts (CENTRE, 2016).  This centre
               organized programme such as ASEAN school tour programme 2017, ASEAN Lecture series
               2017, various of youth network workshop, and culinary festivals as part of activities that can
               strengthened the cooperation among ten member countries and ROK.

               The  history  of  socio-cultural  exchanges  between  ASEAN-ROK  countries  cannot  be  easily
               reconstructed because of a lack in historical records (before the WWII). Thus, this study will
               highlight the significant changes which are divided into three phases that can help compare
               socio-cultural ties between ASEAN-ROK in each period of interest and allow a comparison of
               how these have changed and developed over time.

               a)  Establishment Period: 1989-1998

               This phase was important for both ASEAN and ROK as they engaged in an official partnership
               and ROK began a Dialogue Partnership with ASEAN in 1989. ROK became a full Dialogue
               Partner in 1991 and the ASEAN-ROK partnership elevated to summit level in 1997. Official
               socio-cultural exchanges between ROK and ASEAN were initiated by KOICA. After KOICA
               was established in 1991, the Conclusion of Agreement on Korea Overseas Volunteer (KOV)
               with five ASEAN countries was signed over the period until 1997; the Philippines, Indonesia,
               Thailand, Myanmar, and Vietnam. This attempt was followed by an increase in the ASEAN-
               Korea  Special  Cooperation  Fund  (SCF)  which  has  been  launched  in  1993  with  its  aim  to
               intensify ASEAN-ROK cooperation. Its annual fund was one million until the figure doubled
               in the third year. The funding was mainly used for cooperation in the economic sector until the
               fund was separated and renamed as the Future Oriented Cooperation Fund (FOCF) in 1996.
               The FOCF used to  enhance people-to-people exchanges  between ASEAN-ROK, including
               youth exchanges, journalist exchanges, as well as cultural and art exchanges. In this phase, the
               people of ASEAN did not have much information on ROK, and vice versa. This was due to the
               fact that official cooperation was not yet established. The agenda of ASEAN-ROK was mainly
               carried out by these two governments. Therefore, there were not much socio-cultural changes
               in this period. The most significant achievement in this phase was the official interaction at
               government level that was established by ASEAN and ROK. This official tie became a platform
               supporting further socio-cultural exchanges in the years to come.

               b)  Development phase: 1999-2008
               Korean wave is a key word to describe in this phase. The expansion of Korean dramas gained
               a  lot  of  popularity  in  Southeast  Asia  countries  after  1999.  Hallyu,  along  with  the  rapid
               economic development  of ASEAN countries has  contributed to the increasing  numbers of
               tourists for both ASEAN and ROK. Government efforts to foster socio-cultural ties between
               two  sides  also  continued.  ASEAN-ROK  elevated  their  relationship  to  a  Comprehensive
               Cooperation Partnership in 2004. During the fifteenth year of ASEAN-ROK anniversary, the
               Korean Cultural Center was opened in Hanoi for the first time in Southeast Asian country. The
               Center aimed to promote Korean culture and facilitate cultural exchanges overseas. In this
               development phase, ASEAN-ROK relationship became more robust and well-developed. The
               interaction was not only carried out by the government, but the society has also assisted in
               promoting each other’s culture. The ASEAN people learn modern culture of Korean through
               Hallyu and caused ASEAN culture to slowly evolve in Korean people.
               c)  Consolidation phase: 2009-present

               In  this  phase,  ROK  became  a  Strategic  Partner  of  ASEAN  and  established  a  number  of
               prestigious institutions to enhance socio-cultural cooperation with ASEAN. The effort begins
               with  the  establishment  of  AKC  which  was  established  in  2009.  AKC  is  an  international

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