Page 64 - AEI Insights 2020 - Vol. 6, Issue 1
P. 64

AEI Insights, Vol 6, Issue 1, 2020

               power’  instil by the ROK that developed through relation with allies, economic assistance
               and cultural exchanges. ‘Soft power’ is a new trend in today’s diplomacy in order to pursue
               national interests by influencing the public opinion of the other states. This phenomenon is
               progressing well for ROK as to strengthen its public diplomacy and making the country’s
               culture and development to be accepted in the whole world.
               As mentioned above, these three areas (tourism, education and human development) shown an
               astounding progress. Thus, there is a need to build up greater understanding of the Southeast
               Asia region for the Koreans. Likewise, ASEAN people too need to be able beyond South Korea
               represents. In order to have a greater interaction between both sides, the researcher would like
               to propose additional suggestion of looking beyond Hallyu culture.

               The rise of K-pop on the global stage began in late 1990s in a small part of East Asia and spread
               to Southeast Asia, Europe and the America. Since then, ROK has emerged as a new centre for
               the  production  of  transnational  pop  culture,  exporting  a  range  of  cultural  products  to
               neighbouring Asian countries. Thus, it seems that the culture of Koreans have moved towards
               modernization and its historical values has slowly been forgotten. It would be beneficial to
               learn  more  about  Korea’s  rich  history  and  have  a  better  understanding  of  Korea’s  proud
               traditional heritage. During the researcher’s visit to Seoul (May-July 2017), several informal
               interviews were conducted with various levels of Korean people in order to get their insight of
               the knowledge of their own culture and ASEAN. From the research point of view, Koreans has
               gradually paved their traditional culture, history, and values and are only remembered through
               ancient  building  and  monuments  which  are  preserved  by  the  government.  Likewise,  other
               countries in Southeast Asia have gone through modernization and globalization which has been
               a great influence to all, whereby people no longer see the historical part of our glorious states
               but  rather  predict  the  development  of  the  future.  This  is  crucial  for  many  historians  and
               academician  to  continuously  promote  history  to  younger  generation  and  preserved  the
               traditional culture that reminds us of where we belong.
               In addition, beyond Hallyu culture, ROK did a remarkable job in promoting ASEAN member
               countries  through  AKC,  where  the  centre  actively  engages  with  government,  business
               communities, academia, and other relevant stakeholder. In year 2016, AKC have carried out
               twenty  work  programmes  and  63  sub-programmes  including  in  the  area  of  trade  and
               investment, culture and tourism, and public relations and information services(ASEAN-Korea,
               2016). Previously, the promotion of ASEAN-ROK focused on selective group that includes
               think  tanks,  academics,  civil  servants,  and  tertiary  students.  Currently,  these  activities
               conducted by AKC has promoted Southeast Asian countries to all Koreans ranging from school
               children to youth and adults. Some of the successful programmes in 2016 are ASEAN Culinary
               Festival on November in Seoul that was represented by participants from all ASEAN countries.
               Besides,  the  ASEAN-ROK  Youth  Network  Workshop  in  August  participated  by  ASEAN,
               Korean, Chinese and Japanese students as well as the ASEAN school tour programme that has
               been  going  since  2009  for  Korean  middle  school  students  are  examples  of  the  successful
               programmes.  These  socio-culture  and  education  awareness  goes  beyond  people-to-people
               exchange. The rapport built by these countries shows the relationship between ASEAN-ROK
               which are beyond economic and political cooperation as it nurtures relations from young age.
               Thus, through the researcher’s informal interview with some Korean students, they have better
               understanding on ASEAN and its progress rather than the people of ASEAN itself. ASEAN
               people are well-versed in current culture of ROK which is K-pop but lack of knowledge in
               South  Korea’s  history  and  traditional  values.  The  stage  of  promoting  culture  should  be

               38  Soft power defined as the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than coercion or payments. It
               arises from the attractiveness of a country's culture, political ideals, and policies.

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