Page 69 - AEI Insights 2020 - Vol. 6, Issue 1
P. 69

AEI-Insights: An International Journal of Asia-Europe Relations
              ISSN: 2289-800X, Vol. 6, Issue 1, January 2020




                                                  Anis H Bajrektarevic

                                       International Law & Global Political Studies,
                                                     Vienna, Austria



               Preservation and protection of environment appears as one of the largest challenges of our time.
               It necessitates urgent but also comprehensive, planetary action. One of the key issues is to
               define a scope of future international instrument as well as its definition. This requires global
               political action which will then eventually translate into a coordinated legal action and finally
               articulate itself in viable international treaty. Institutional collaboration among stakeholders
               and agencies needs to be improved as much as the currently existing approaches need to be
               harmonized. Only an improved institutional framework between agencies and stakeholders that
               protects  environment  could  enhance  and  accelerate  cooperation  to  the  levels  equal  to  an
               environmental and climate change challenge. The very creation of such framework could also
               contribute to the harmonization of monitoring and reporting systems. It will also lead to more
               coordinated, more effective and properly financed policy instruments as well as more efficient
               legal enforcement on supranational, national and sub-national level.
               Keywords: Treaty making, environmental challenge, inter-agency coordination, legal definition, political will

               Environmental  crime  is  a  complex  subject  matter,  which  coupled  with  a  non-existing
               internationally enforceable definition is  calling  for an urgent  consideration. The variety  of
               wrongdoings  against  our  environment,  committed  transnationally  and  on  a  daily  basis  is
               happening with an accelerating severity and frequency. This makes it even more challenging
               to combat these types of criminal activities and mitigate the damages caused by it, which impact
               future  generations.  Committing  crimes  against  the  environment  endangers  sustainable
               livelihoods, ecosystems, natural resources, that cannot be reproduced or renewed, as much as
               it harms general health, social equilibrium and revenue streams of governments. Hence, lack
               of  common  definition  is  coupled  with  a  lack  of  understanding,  financial  resources  and
               knowledge on the subject matter. Therefore, it is of utmost urgency to start paving the way to
               combat these types of crimes by transnationally brokered global instrument.
               The  complexity  of  the  matter  manifests  in  the  wide  range  of  criminal  activities  that  are
               associated with committing environmental crimes, such as money laundering, waste trafficking
               and  hazardous  waste  dumping,  wildlife  species  smuggling,  weapons,  drugs  –  all  of  that
               transcends domestic boarders.  These types of crimes often take place in organized form and
               are facilitated by other crimes, or by a lack of comprehensive legal frameworks. One of the
               major  facilitators  is  corruption,  which  is  favored  by  high  tax  burden,  excessive  market
               regulations, bureaucracy and high public spending. In addition, there is only a formalistic legal

               approach in most of the countries to condemn these types of offences.

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