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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               Soft Skills:                                    Assessment:
               CS3, CTPS3                                      Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               1.   Ross,  S.  M.  (2003).  An  introduction  to  probability   Medium of Instruction:
                   models (8  ed.). Academic press.            English
               2.   Kao,  E.  P.  C.  (1997.)  An  introduction  to  stochastic
                   processes. Duxbury Press.                   Soft Skills:
               3.   Ross,  S.  M.  (1996).  Stochastic  processes  (2   ed.).   CS2, CTPS2
                   John Wiley.
               4.   Durrett, R. (2012). Essentials of stochastic processes   References:
                   (2  ed.). Springer.                         1.   S. Weisberg (2005). Applied linear regression (3  ed.).
                                                               2.   A. Agresti  (2013).  Categorical  data  analysis  (3   ed.).
               SIT3005   TIME SERIES AND FORECASTING METHODS       Wiley.
                                                               3.   P. McCullagh, & J. A. Nelder. (1989). Generalized linear
               Introduction to time series: data, properties, examples.   models (2  ed.). Chapman& Hall.
                                                               4.   R. H. Myers. (1990). Classical and modern regression
               Introduction to forecasting:  Forecasting methods, errors in   with applications (2  ed.). Duxbury/Thompson.
               forecasting,  choosing  a  forecasting  techniques,  qualitative   5.   R. R. Hocking. (2013). Method and applications of linear
               and quantitative forecasting techniques.            models:  Regression  and  the  analysis  of variance  (3
                                                                   ed.). Wiley.
               Time  series  regression:    Modelling  trend,  detecting
               autocorrelation,  type  of  seasonal  variation,  modelling   SIT3007   DATA ANALYSIS II
               seasonal variation, growth curve models, handling first-order
               autocorrelation.                                Introduction to different kind of data; Generalizing the linear
                                                               regression  models  including  nonlinear  regression  model,
               Averaging  methods:    Moving  average,  simple  exponential   linear regression in time series data, logistic regression and
               smoothing,  tracking  signals,  Holt’s  method,  Holt-Winters   Poisson  regression  models  for  categorical  response  data
               method, damped trend exponential method.        and selected topics
               Box-Jenkins methods: Stationary  and  non-stationary  data,
               difference,  autocorrelation  and  partial  autocorrelation   Practical survey sampling: Selected case study, design of
               functions,  non-seasonal  modeling  (ARIMA  models),   study,  questionnaires,  collecting  data,  data  analysis,  oral
               diagnostic checking, forecasting.               and written presentation

               ARCH and GARCH models.                          Statistical  consulting:  Theoretical  and  practical  aspects  of
                                                               statistical consulting, Communication skill
               Assessment:                                     Report writing
               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%                Assessment:
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       50%
               Medium of Instruction:                          Final Examination:           50%
                                                               Medium of Instruction:
               Soft Skills:                                    English
               CS3, CTPS3
                                                               Soft Skills:
               References:                                     CS4, CTPS3, TS5
               1.  Hyndman,  R.J.,  &  Athanasopoulus,  G.  (2018).
                   Forecasting:  principles  and  practice.  Retrieved  from   References:
                           1.   S-Plus  2000  guide  to  statistics  (Vols.  1-2).  Mathsoft
               2.  Makridakis,  S.,  Wheelwright,  S.C.,  &  Hyndman,  R.J.   corporation.
                   (1998). Forecasting methods and applications. Wiley.   2.   Cramer,  D.  (2003).  Advanced  quantitative  data
               3.  Montgomery,  D.  C.,  Jennings,  C.  L.,  &  Kulahci,  M.   analysis. Open University Press.
                   (2008).  Introduction  to  time  series  analysis  and   3.   Evans,  J.R.,  &  Olson,  D.L.  (2007).  Statistics,  data
                   forecasting. Wiley.                             analysis, and decision modeling. Prentice Hall
               4.  Brockwell, P.J., & Davis, R. A. (2002). Introduction to   4.   Miller, D.C., & Salkind, J. (1983). Handbook of research
                   time series analysis and forecasting (2  ed.). Springer.   design and social measurements. Sage Publication.
               5.  Box, G.E.P., Jenkins, G.W., & Reinsel, G. (2011). Time   5.   Derr,  J.  (2000).  Statistical  consulting:  A  guide  to
                   series  analysis,  forecasting  and  control  (4   ed.).   effective communication. Pacific Grove: Duxbury.
                   Prentice Hall.                              6.   Jarman, Kristin H. (2013). Art of data analysis: How to
                                                                   Answer almost any question using basic statistics. John
                                                                   Wiley & Sons
               SIT3006   FURTHER   TOPICS   IN   REGRESSION
                                                               SIT3008   INTRODUCTION TO SURVEY SAMPLING
               Multiple Linear Regression Model: Simultaneous Inference,
               criteria for selecting model, influence diagnostics and multi-  Techniques  of  statistical  sampling  with  applications  in  the
               collinearity. Introduction to logistic regression and Poisson   analysis  of  sample  survey  data.  Topics  include  simple
               regression:   maximum   likelihood   estimates   of   the   random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling,
               parameters,  lack  of  fit  test,  tests  based  on  deviance  and   cluster  sampling,  two-stage  sampling  and  ratio  and
               score.                                          regression estimates.

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