Page 133 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               SIQ3009   PENSION MATHEMATICS                   3.   London,  Dick.  (1998).  Survival  models  and  their
                                                                   estimation. ACTEX Publications.
               Introduction to Islamic finance and its practices; Riba, gharar   4.   Peter J. Smith. (2002). Analysis of failure and survival
               and maisir; Musharkah, mudharabah and murabahah; Ijarah,   data. Chapman & Hall.
               salam and istisna’; Çomparison of Islamic and conventional   5.   Collett,  D.  (2015).  Modelling  survival  data  in  medical
               financial systems; Islamic financial institutions and products,   research. CRS Press.
               Islamic banking and takaful, Islamic investment instruments;
               Capital  market  in  an  Islamic  framework,  leasing,
               securitization and sukuk; Modeling Islamic financial products   SIT1001   PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS I
               using  mathematical  software;  Regulatory  framework  for
               Islamic financial institutions in Malaysia.     Properties of probability. Counting techniques. Conditional
                                                               probability. Independent events. Bayes Theorem.
               Continuous Assessment:       50%                Discrete  random  variables.  Mathematical  Expectation.
               Final Examination:           50%                Discrete  distributions:  uniform,  hypergeometric,  Bernoulli,
                                                               binomial,  geometric,  negative  binomial  and  Poisson.
               Medium of Instruction:                          Moment generating function.
                                                               Continuous  random  variables  and  its  mathematical
               Soft Skills:                                    expectation. Continuous distributions: uniform, exponential,
               CS3, CTPS3                                      gamma, chi-squared and Normal distributions.

               References:                                     Distribution of function of one random variable.
               1.   Taqi  Usmani,  M.  (1998).  An  introduction  to  Islamic
                   finance. Arham Shamsi.                      Sampling distribution theory: Independent random variables.
               2.   El-Gamal,  M.  A.  (2006).  Islamic  finance:  Law,   Distributions  of  sum  of  independent  random  variables.
                   economics, and practice. Cambridge University Press.   Random functions related to the normal distribution. Central
               3.   Iqbal,  Z.,  &  Mirakhor,  A.  (2011).  An  introduction  to   limit  theorem.  Approximation  for  discrete  distributions.
                   Islamic finance: Theory and practice (Vol. 687). John   Limiting moment generating functions.
                   Wiley & Sons.
               4.   Mirakhor,  A.,  &  Krichene,  N.  (2014).  Introductory   Assessment:
                   mathematics  and  statistics  for  Islamic  finance.  John   Continuous Assessment:      40%
                   Wiley & Sons.                               Final Examination:           60%
               5.   Hassan,  M.K.,  Kayed,  R.N.,  &  Oseni,  U.A.  (2013).
                   Introduction to Islamic banking and finance: Principles   Medium of Instruction:
                   and practice. Pearson Education Limited.    English

                                                               Soft Skills:
               SIQ3010      SURVIVAL MODEL                     CS2, CTPS2, EM2

               Estimation  of  lifetime  distributions:  lifetime  distributions,   References:
               cohort  studies,  censoring,  Kaplan-Meier  estimates,  Cox   1.   R.  V.  Hogg,  &  E.  A.  Tanis.  (2010).  Probability  and
               regression model and its estimation.                statistical inference (8  ed.). Pearson.
                                                               2.   R.  V.  Hogg,  J.  McKean,  &  A.  T.  Craig.  (2012).
               Markov  models:  Multi-state  Markov  models,  Kolmogorov   Introduction  to  mathematical  statistics  (7   ed.).
               forward  equations,  estimation  of  the  force  of  mortality,   Pearson.
               estimation of multi-state model transition intensities.   3.   H.J. Larson. (1982). Introduction to probability theory
               Binomial and Poisson models of mortality: Binomial model of   and statistical inference (3  ed.). Wiley.
               mortality,  uniform  and  constant  force  of  mortality
               assumptions, maximum likelihood estimator for the rate of
               mortality, Poisson models.
                                                               SIT2001   PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS II
               Graduation  and  statistical  tests:  methods  of  graduating
               crude  estimates,  Chi-square  test,  standardised  deviation   Distributions of two and more dimensional random variables.
               test, sign test, grouping of sign test, serial correlations test.   Correlation  coefficient.  Conditional  distributions.  Bivariate
               Exposed  to  risk:  Exact  exposed  to  risk,  approximate   normal distribution. Transformation of two random variables.
               exposed to risk using census data.              Distributions of order statistics.

               Assessment:                                     Biased  and  unbiased  estimators.  Method  of  moments.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                    Method  of  maximum  likelihood.  Confidence  interval  for:
               Final Examination:     60%                      mean,  proportion  and  variance  of  single  population;
                                                               difference  between  two  means,  difference  between  two
               Medium of Instruction:                          proportions and ratio of variances.
                                                               Hypothesis  testing  for:  mean,  proportion  and  variance  of
               Soft Skills:                                    single population; difference between two means, difference
               CS3, CTPS3                                      between two proportions and ratio of variances. Chi-square
                                                               goodness-of-fit tests and contingency tables.
               1.   Elandt-Johnson,  R.  C.,  &  Johnson,  N.  L.  (1999).   Power of a statistical test. Best critical region. Likelihood ratio
                   Survival models and data analysis. John Wiley.   test.  Chebyschev's  inequality.  Rao-Cramer's  inequality.
               2.   Benjamin, B., & Pollard, J. H. (1993). The analysis of   Convergence  in  probability  and  distribution.  Asymptotic
                   mortality  and  other  actuarial  statistics.  Institute  and   distribution of maximum likelihood estimator.
                   Faculty of Actuaries.

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