Page 130 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               Medium of Instruction:                          References:
               English                                         1.   Richard T. Froyen. (2002). Macroeconomics: Theories
                                                                   and policies (7  ed.). Prentice Hall.
               Soft Skills:                                    2.   Case,  Karl  E.  (2007).  Principles  of  macroeconomics.
               CS2, CTPS1, LL1                                     Pearson Prentice Hall.
                                                               3.   Sloman, J., Hinde, K., & Garratt, D. (2013). Economics
               References:                                         for business (6  ed.). Pearson.
               1.   Reimers,  Jane  L.  (2007).  Financial  accounting.   4.   Bade, R., Parkin, M. (2014). Foundation of economics.
                   Pearson Prentice Hall.                          Pearson.
               2.   Hermanson,  R.H.,  &  J.D.  Edwards.  (1995).  Financial
                   accounting: A business perspective (6  ed.). Irwin.
               3.   Hoggett, J., & L. Edwards. (1996). Financial accounting   SIQ2003       FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS AND
                   in  Australia  (3   ed.).  Queensland:  John  Wiley  and                        DERIVATIVES
               4.   Kirkwood,  L.,  C.  Ryan,  J.  Falt,  &  T.  Stanley.  (1993).   Time Value of Money: simple interest, compound interest,
                   Accounting:  An  Introductory  Perspective  (3   ed.).   present  and  accumulated  values,  nominal  rate  of  interest,
                   Melbourne: Longman Cheshire.                force of interest, equation of value.
               5.   Meigs,  W.B.,  &  R.F.  Meigs.  (1995).  Financial
                   accounting (8  ed.) New York: McGraw Hill.   Annuities: annuity immediate, annuity due, perpetuity, m-thly
                                                               annuity, continuous type annuity, deferred annuities, varying
               SIQ2001    MICROECONOMICS
                                                               Instalments:  Amortization, sinking  funds,  amortization  with
               Fundamental  principles  of  economics;  price  theory  which   continuous payments.
               covers  the  demand  model,  supply  model  and  equilibrium
               point;  shape  of  demand  curve  and  consumer  behavior;   Bonds: Types of bonds, pricing formula, callable and serial
               substitution effects and income; shape of supply curve and   bonds, other securities.
               behavior  of  firms;  theory  of  production  and  cost  of
               production; analysis of competitive markets in the short term;   Cash flows: Discounted cash flows, internal rate of return,
               monopoly and oligopoly.                         money-weighted and time weighted rate of return.

               Assessment:                                     Term  Structure  of  Interest  Rate:  Yield  curves,  spot  and
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                forward rates, duration, convexity, immunization.
               Final Examination:           60%
                                                               Introduction to Derivatives: Forward and futures, short and
               Medium of Instruction:                          long positions, arbitrage, put and call options, put-call parity,
               English                                         swaps, put-call parity, hedging.

               Soft Skills:                                    Assessment:
               CS2, CTPS2, LL1                                 Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               1.   Katz,  Michael  L.,  &  Rosen,  Harvey  S.  (1999).   Medium of Instruction:
                   Microeconomics (2  ed.). McGraw Hill.       English
               2.   Sloman,  J.,  Hinde,  K.  and  Garratt,  D.  (2013).
                   Economics for business (6  ed.). Pearson.   Soft Skills:
               3.   Begg, D. (2012). Economics for business. McGraw Hill   CS3, CTPS3
                   Higher Education.
               4.   Bade,  R.,  &  Parkin,  M.  (2014).  Foundation  of   References:
                   economics. Pearson.                         1.  Broverman,  S.  A.  (2010).  Mathematics  of  investment
                                                                   and credit (5  ed.). Actex Publications.
                                                               2.  Kellison,  G.  (2008).  Theory  of  interest  (3   ed.).
               SIQ2002      MACROECONOMICS                         McGraw-Hill.
                                                               3.  McDonald, R. L. (2012). Derivatives markets (3  ed.).
               Macroeconomic  issues  and  problems;  fundamental   Prentice Hall.
               concepts of national income; method of calculating national   4.  McCutcheon, J. J., & Scott W. F.(1989). Introduction to
               income; simple Keynesian model; derivation of IS curve, LM   the mathematics of finance. Butterworth-Heinemann.
               curve,  aggregate  demand  curve,  and  aggregate  supply
               curve;  relationship  between  interest  rates,  monetary   SIQ3001        ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS I
               demand,  consumption  and  investments;  relationship
               between price levels, monetary demand, aggregate demand   Survival distributions: lifetime probability functions, force of
               and aggregate supply in a Keynesian model.      mortality,  moments  and  variance,  parametric  survival
                                                               models, percentiles, recursions, fractional ages, select and
                                                               ultimate life tables.
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Life  Insurances:  continuous  type  life  insurances,  discrete
               Final Examination:           60%                type  life  insurances,  probabilities,  percentiles,  recursive
                                                               formula, m-thly payments, varying insurance.
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                         Life Annuities: continuous type life annuities, discrete type
                                                               life  annuities,  expectation  and  variance,  probabilities,
               Soft Skills:                                    percentiles,  recursive  formulas,  m-thly  payments,  varying
               CS2, CTPS2, LL1                                 annuities.

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