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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

                                                               Soft Skills:
               Assessment                                      CS4, CTPS5, TS2, LL2
               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%                References
                                                               1.   Steven  H.  Strogatz.  (2018).  Nonlinear  dynamics  and
               Medium of Instruction:                              chaos (2  ed.) Westview Press.
               Bahasa Malaysia/English                         2.   Dominic  Jordan,  &  Peter  Smith.  (2007).  Nonlinear
                                                                   ordinary  differential  equations:  An  introduction  for
               Soft Skills:                                        scientists  and  engineers  (4   ed.).  Oxford  University
               CS3, CTPS3, LL2                                     Press.
                                                               3.   Lawrence  Perko.  (2001).  Differential  equations  and
               References                                          dynamical  systems  (3   ed.).  New  Work:  Springer
               1.   Trappe, W., & Washington, L.C. (2014). Introduction to   Verlag, Inc.
                   cryptographywith coding theory. Pearson Prentice Hall.   4.   Stephen  Wiggins.  (2003).  Introduction  to  applied
               2.   Stallings,  W.  (2006).  Cryptography  and  network   nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos (2  ed.). New
                   security:  Principles  and  practice  (4   ed.).  Englewood   York: Springer-Verlag, Inc.
                   Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall.                 5.   Morris  W.  Hirsch,  Stephen  Smale,  &  Robert  L.
               3.   Schneider, B.  (1996).  Applied cryptography  (2   ed.).   Devaney.  (2013).  Differential  equations,  dynamical
                   New York: John Wiley and Sons.                  systems & an introduction to chaos (3  ed.). Waltham,
               4.   Martin,  M.K.  (2012).  Everyday  cryptography.  Oxford   MA: Elsevier, Inc.
                   University Press.
               5.   Stinson,  D.R.  (1995).  Cryptography:  Theory  and
                   practice. CRC Press.                        SIN3005   NUMERICAL METHODS AND ANALYSIS

                                                               Approximation   methods:   Discrete   least   square
               SIN3003   COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS          approximation,   orthogonal   polynomials,   Chebyshev
               Derivation of conservation equations for mass, momentum
               and  energy.  Scaling  and  simplification  of  Navier-Stokes   Eigenvalue  problem:  Power  method,  Householder’s
               equation  to  Bernoulli’s  equation,  Stokes’  equation  and   methods. The QR algorithm.
               boundary  layer  equation.  Initial-  and  boundary-conditions.
               Simple  analytical  solutions  and  approximate  solutions.   Initial value problem of Ordinary Differential Equations:
               Numerical  solutions:  finite-element,  finite-difference  and   Euler’s  method,  higher  order  Taylor  method,  Runge-Kutta
               finite-volume methods.                          methods.   Multistep   methods.   Multistep   methods.
                                                               Convergence and stability analysis, error control.
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Assessment
               Final Examination:           60%                Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               Medium of Instruction:
               Bahasa Malaysia/English                         Medium of Instruction:
               Soft Skills:
               CS4, CTPS5, TS2, LL3                            Soft Skills:
                                                               CS3, CTPS3, LL2
               1.   Yunus  A.  Chengel,  &  John  Cimbala.  (2014).  Fluid   References
                   mechanics. McGraw- Hill.                    1.   K.E.  Atkinson.  (1993).  Elementary  numerical  analysis
               2.   S.   M.   Richardson.   (1989).   Fluid   mechanics.   (2  ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
                   Hemisphere Pub.  Corp.                      2.   R.L. Burden, & J.D. Faires. (2001). Numerical analysis
               3.   A. R. Peterson. (1987). A first course in fluid dynamics.   (7  ed.). USA: Brooks/Cole.
                   CUP.                                        3.   Brian Bradie. (2011). A friendly introduction to numerical
               4.   G.  K.  Batchelor.  (1967).  An  introduction  to  fluid   analysis. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
                   dynamics. CUP.
               5.   J. D. Anderson. (1995). Computational fluid dynamics.
                   McGraw- Hill.                               SIN3006   PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY SYSTEM
               6.   Joel  H.  Ferziger,  &  Milovan  Peric.  (2011).
                   Computational methods for fluid dynamics. Springer.   The  importance  of  inventory  in  management.  Advanced
                                                               EOQ models. Inventory model for time-dependent demand:
                                                               linear increase or decrease cases. Exact and approximate
               SIN3004   ANALYSIS OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS       methods  by  minimizing  ordering  and  holding  costs.
                                                               Applications to real-world problems.
               Building  of  mathematical  models:  identifying  variables,
               obtain relationship between variables – ordinary differential   Assessment
               equations  and  systems  of  odes.  Analysis  of  models   Continuous Assessment:       40%
               analytically  and  qualitatively.  Bifurcations.  Phase  plane   Final Examination:         60%
               analysis, stability.

               Assessment                                      Medium of Instruction:
               Continuous Assessment:       50%                Bahasa Malaysia
               Final Examination:           50%
                                                               Soft Skills:
               Medium of Instruction:                          CS3, CTPS3, LL2
               Bahasa Malaysia/ English

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