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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               References                                      3.   Taha,  H.A,  Operations  Research:  An  Introduction,  5
                1 . Hamdy A. Taha. (2011). An introduction to operational   edition,  Macmillan  Pub.  Co.  (edisi  Bahasa  Malaysia
                   research (8 ed.). New York: Mcmillan.           oleh USM-DBP). 1992
                2.   E. Naddor. (1966). Inventory systems. J. Wiley.    4.   Winston, W.L, Operations Research: Applications and
                3.  Hadley G., & Whitin T.M. (1963). Analysis of inventory   Algorithms, Third Edition. Duxbury Press, 2013.
                   systems, Englewood Cliggs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,
                4.   C.  D.  J.  Waters.  (2003).  Inventory  control  and   SIN3009   INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
                   management. Canada: University of Calgary..
                5.   Hillier, Frederick S. (2005). Introductory to operations   Definition of a network. Node, branch, path, chain, cycle and
                   Rresearch (8  ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.   circuit.  Examples  of  network  flow  model.  Network  flow:
                                                               Shortest path, minimum spanning tree, maximum flow and
                                                               minimum cost maximum flow. Activity Network: Critical path
               SIN3007   HEURISTIC METHODS                     model method: Earliest and Latest time, slack activities and
                                                               critical  path.  Project  valuation.  Optimal  path.  Project
               Introduction. Descent Heuristics: random solutions, greedy   scheduling.  Network  model  as  an  example  of  a  linear
               solutions,  exchange  heuristics.  Improvement  Heuristics:   programming model.
               Local  optimization,  iterated  local  search,  simulated
               annealing,  tabu  search.  Artificial  Intelligence:  Genetic   Assessment
               algorithm,  evolutionary  algorithm,  artificial  neural  network.   Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Evaluating heuristics. NP Completeness.         Final Examination:           60%

               Assessment                                      Medium of Instruction:
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Bahasa Malaysia/English
               Final Examination:           60%
                                                               Soft Skills:
               Medium of Instruction:                          CS4, CTPS3, LL2, TS2
               Bahasa Malaysia/English
               Soft Skills:                                    1.   Groebner, D.F & Shannon, P.W (1991), Introduction to
                CTPS4, LL2                                         Management   Science,  International  Edition,  Dallen-
               References                                      2.   Lipin,  L.L  (1994),  Quantitative  Methods  for  Business
               1.   S. S. Skeina, The Algorithm Design, Springer-Verlag,   Decisions (with cases), 6th edition. Dryden Press.
                   1997.                                       3.   Taylor,  B.W  (1993),  Introduction  to  Management
               2.   Ashraf  Aboshosha, Yaser  KhalifaGenetic  Algorithms   Science, Allyn and Bacon.
                   Theories  and  Applications:  Evolutionary  Algorithms,   4.    Winston, W.L, Operations Research: Applications and
                   Optimization   Techniques,   Heuristics,   Artificial   Algorithms, Third Edition. Duxbury Press, 2013.
                   Intelligence,  Biologically  inspired  Algorithms,LAP
                   LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012.
               3.   Z. Michalewicz, D.B. Fogel, How To Solve It: Modern   SIN3010   COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY
                   Heuristics, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
               4.   I.Osman  and  P.  Kelly,  Met-Heuristics:  Theory  and   Vector algebra, introduction to differential geometry, design
                   Applications: Kluwer, 1996.                 for  curves,  design  surfaces  for  Bezier  surfaces,  triangular
               5.   E.  Rich  and  K.  Knight,  Artificial  Intelligence,   Bezeir  surfaces,  B-Spline,  rational  Bezier  and  Coons
                   International Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1991.   surfaces.
               6.   Z. Michalewicz, Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures =
                   EvolutionProgrammes, Springer-Verlag, 1992.   Assessment
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
                                                               Medium of Instruction:
               The  matrix  of  simplex  theory  and  sensitivity  analysis.   Bahasa Malaysia/English
               Parametric  linear  programming.  Revised  simplex  method.
               The  technique  of  upper  bounded  variables.  Karmarkar’s   Soft Skills:
               interior  point  algorithm.  Dantzig-Wolf  decomposition   CTPS3, LL2, CS2, TS2
               principle. Pure, mixed and binary (0-1) integer programming.
               Cutting  plane.  Multi-objectives  linear  goal  programming.   References
               Graphical. Simplex iterative and modified methods.   1.   Hill,  F.S.  (2014).  Computer  graphics  using  OpenGL,
                                                                   Prentice Hall.
               Assessment                                      2.   Farin,  G.  (1997).  Curves  and surfaces  for computer
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                    aided geometric design. Boston: Academic Press.
               Final Examination:           60%                3.   Hoschek,  J.,  &  Lasser,  D.  (1993).  Fundamentals  of
                                                                   computer aided geometric design. Ak Peters Ltd.
               Medium of Instruction:                          4.   Farin, G., Hoschek, J., & Kim., S.M. (2012). Handbook
               Bahasa Malaysia/English                             of   computer   aided   geometric   design.   North
                                                                   Holland: Elsevier.
               Soft Skills:                                    5.   Patrikalakis,  N.  M.,  &  Maekawa,  T.   (2011).  Shape
               CS4, CTPS3, LL2, TS2                                interrogation  for  computer  aided  design  and
               References                                          manufacturing. Springer.
               1.   Markland, R.E & Sweigart, J.R, Quantitative Methods:
                   Applications  to  Managerial  Decision  Making  ,    John
                   Wiley & Sons. 1987
               2.   Moore,  L.J,  Lee,  S.M  &  Taylor,  B.W,  Management
                   Science, 4  edition, Allyn and Bacon. 1993

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