Page 124 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
P. 124
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021
SIN1001 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING method, Legendre and Bessel’s equations. Some
applications of second order ODE.
MATLAB - Matlab environment, matrices, constants and
variables, operation, built-in functions, output format, plot Assessment
graphs, expressions and logical data, branches and loops, Continuous Assessment: 40%
scripting, user-defined functions. Application of selected Final Examination: 60%
mathematical problems.
Medium of Instruction:
Assessment English
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50% Soft Skills:
Medium of Instruction:
Bahasa Malaysia/English References:
1. William F. Trench. (2013). Elementary differential
Soft Skills: equations. Retrieved from:
References: 2. Paul Blanchard, Robert L. Devaney, & Glen R. Hall.
1. Hahn, B. D., & Valentine, D. T. (2019). Essential (2012). Differential equations (4 ed.). Cengage.
MATLAB for engineers and scientists. Cambridge, MA: 3. James C. Robinson. (2004). An introduction to
Academic Press. differential equations. Cambridge University Press.
2. Lent, C. S. (2013). Learning to program with MATLAB-
Building GUI tools. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, SIN2001 MATHEMATICAL METHODS II
3. Chapman, S. J. (2013). MATLAB programming with Computer arithmetic: floating-point numbers, round off error,
applications for engineers. Stamford, CT: Cengage machine precision, overflow/underflow, numerical
Learning. cancellation, truncation error.
4. MATLAB ® Primer R2020a. (2020). MathWorks, Inc.
5. Quarteroni, A., Saleri, F., & Gervasio, P. (2014). Taylor polynomial and limits.
Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (4 Interpolation: Lagrange interpolation, Divided differences,
ed.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Hermite interpolation, cubic spline interpolation.
Roots of nonlinear equation: bisection method, fixed-point
SIN1002 INTRODUCTION TO WORKSHEETS iteration, Newton – Raphson method, secant method.
Basics of Spreadsheet, entering labels, numbers and Numerical differentiation: Forward, backward and central
formulae. Absolute & relative addressing, Excel functions. finite difference.
Graph plotting, use of solvers. Applications to some selected Numerical Integration: Rectangular, trapezoidal, Simpson’s,
mathematical problems Romberg’s. Composite methods.
Assessment System of linear equations. Matrix factorization, LU
Continuous Assessment: 50% factorization.
Final Examination: 50%
Medium of Instruction: Continuous Assessment: 40%
Bahasa Malaysia/English Final Examination: 60%
Soft Skills: Medium of Instruction:
CTPS3, LL2 Bahasa Malaysia/English
References: Soft Skills:
1. Ronald W. Larsen. (2011). Engineering with Excel. C3, TS2, CTPS3, LL2
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
2. S. C. Bloch, & Sylvan Charles Bloch. (2003). Excel for References:
engineers and scientists. John Wiley & Sons. 1. Atkinson, K. E. (1993). Elementary numerical analysis
3. E. Joseph Billo. (2007). Excel for scientists and (2 ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
engineers: Numerical methods. Wiley-Interscience. 2. Burden, R. L., & Faires, J. D. (2012). Numerical
4. Bernard V. Liengme. (1997). A guide to Microsoft Excel analysis (7 ed.). USA: Brooks/Cole.
for scientists and engineers. London: Arnold. 3. Brian Bradie. (2006). A friendly introduction to
numerical analysis. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
First order ODE: Definitions, solution concepts, valid solution Algorithms: Structured programming – sequence, decision
intervals. Solutions to variable separable equations, linear and loops. Object-oriented design.
equations, Bernoulli, exact and non-exact, homogeneous
equations. Some applications of first order ODE. C++ programming: fundamental data types – int, double,
char. C++ operators, precedence. Pre-processor directives.
Linear ODE with second and higher order: Definitions, In-Built functions. User-defined functions – pass by value,
solution concepts, linear independence, Wronskian. Solution pass by reference. One-dimensional and two-dimensional
to homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations. Method arrays.
of undetermined coefficient, Variation of parameters, Series
solution of ordinary differential equations, Frobenius’s Introduction to user-defined data types – structures and