Page 168 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Medium of instruction:                         7. A. R. Lansdown, Lubrication: a practical guide to lubricant
               English                                         selection,  3   Edition.  Amer  Society  of  Mechanical
                                                               Engineers, 2003.
               References:                                    8. R.J. Hamilton, Developments in Oils and Fats, Chapman
               1. P. W., Atkins, Physical Chemistry, 11  ed., Oxford   & Hall, 1995
                 University Press, New York,2018.             9. J.  Boxall,  Paint  formulation:  principles  and  practice,
               2. P. W., Atkins, Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 5  ed.   Industrial Pr, 1981
                 Oxford University Press, New York, 2008.     10. James  O’connor.  Standard  Handbook  of  Lubrication
               3. J. P., Lowe, Quantum Chemistry, 2  ed, Academic   Engineering. 1968.
                 Press, New York. 1993.                       11. Kirk Othmer, Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology,
               4. P. W., Atkins, J. de Paula, Physical Chemistry for the   4  Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
                 Life Sciences, Oxford University Press, New York,
                 2006.                                        SID3006  ADVANCED ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
               5. Silbey,  Alberty ,  Bawendi Physical Chemistry (Wiley),
                 2005.                                        Trace Analysis

                                                              Introduction, techniques and limitations, considerations in
               SID3004  INDUSTRIAL TRAINING                   implementation of trace analysis

               Industrial  training  is  the  course  designed  for  the  B.Sc.   Sample decomposition
               (Applied  Chemistry).    Student  is  required  to  follow  the   Steps  in  total  analysis,  dry,  wet  and  microwave  sample
               industrial training programme for a minimum of 10 weeks.    digestion, appropriate considerations for decomposition of
               Industrial  training  must  be  related  to  chemistry  and  the   real samples.
               student is required to prepare a report for evaluation.   The
               training programme will be briefed by the industrial training   Spectrometry
               programme supervisor.                          Atomic  absorption  spectroscopy,  atomization  techniques
                                                              including  flame  atomization,  electrochemical  atomization,
               Assessment Methods:                            hydride technique, cold vapour technique.
               Continuous assessment:    100%                 Atomic emission spectroscopy: arc-spark and plasma AES,
                                                              ICP-AES, atomic fluorescence spectroscopy.
               Medium of instruction:
               English                                        Separation Methods
                                                              Advanced aspects on theory and process of separation in
               SID3005  INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY II               GC and HPLC, van Deemter equation, general resolution
                                                              equation  and  HETP,  types  and  selection  of  stationary
               Unit operation, principles of mass transfer, linear and radial   phases in GC, capillary GC, reversed phase HPLC, effects
               heat transfer based on resistance concepts to be utilized in   of mobile phases in HPLC separations, instrumentation in
               different types of reactor design technology. The focus will   GC  and  HPLC,  detectors  in  GC  and  HPLC,  hyphenated
               be  on  common  reactor  design  such  as  batch  reactor,   techniques: GC-MS and LC-MS.
               continuous  stirred  tank  reactor  or  back-mix  reactor,
               fixed/suspension  bed  reactors,  plug-flow  or  tubular  flow
               reactor  and  their  order  of  important  in  arrangement  for   Electroanalytical Techniques
               multiple reactors in series. Reaction engineering includes   Pulse  techniques  in  polarography,  voltammetry  using
               mole  balance  equation,  design  equations  for  fractional   hanging  mercury  drop  electrode  (HMDE),  platinum  and
               conversion, reactor sizing for flow batch and flow systems.   carbon  electrodes.  Stripping  analysis-anodic  stripping
               Process   characteristics   include   continuous/batch,   voltammetry, trace analysis. Coulometric analysis, constant
               steady/unsteady   state,   with/without   reaction,   potential  coulometry,  constant  current  coulometry,
               simple/multiple   reactions,   yield,   selectivity,   applications and advantages.
               desired/undesired products. Selected chemical processes
               for the production of biodiesel, fatty alcohols, fatty acids,   Automation
               fatty  amines,  glycerol,  ethylene  glycol,  soap,  detergents   Principles  of  automation,  instrumental  analysis,  process
               and surfactants.                               control,   automatic   instruments,   auto-analyser,

               Assessment Methods:                            microprocessor-controlled  instruments,  computers  in
               Continuous assessment:    30%                  analytical laboratories.
               Final examination:      70%                      Assessment Methods:
                                                              Practical:           30%
               Medium of instruction:
               English                                        Continuous assessment:    20%
                                                              Final examination:      50%
               References:                                      Medium of instruction:
               1. R.H.Field,  Chemical  Engineering:  Introductory  Aspects,   English
                 Houndsmills, 1988
               2. A.F. Mills, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2  Edition, Prentice
                 Hall, 1998.                                  References:                      th
               3. W.S.  Emerson:  Guide  to  The  Chemical  Industry,  John   1. C. H., Daniel, Exploring Chemical Analysis, 4  ed., W.H.
                                                               Freeman Publ, 2008.
                 Wiley, 1983                                  2. G. D. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 7  Edition, John
               4. Fogler,  H.  Scott.  Elements  of  Chemical  Reaction
                 Engineering, 4  Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005   Wiley & Sons, 2008.
               5. Larry  D.  Schmidt.    The  Engineering  of  Chemical   3. D.A.  Skoog,  F.J.  Holler  &  S.R.  Crouch,  Principles  of
                 Reaction, 2  Edition, OUP USA, 2009           Instrumental  Analysis,  6   ed.,Thomson  Brooks/Cole,
               6. Levenspiel, Octave. Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3    4. Harvey,  D.,  Modern  Analytical  Chemistry,  McGraw  Hill
                 Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1999
                                                               Publ, 2000.
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