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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021
References: LEVEL 3 COURSES
1. Bell, F.G. (2007). Engineering Geology. Second Edition.
2. Price, D.G. (2009). Engineering Geology. Principles and
Practice Springer. The geology of Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah
3. Beavis, F.C. (1985): Engineering Geology. Blackwell including the stratigraphy, igneous and metamorphic events,
Scientific Publications. 231p. structure, tectonics, geologic history and economic minerals
4. Brady, B.M.G. & Brown, E.T. (2007): Rock Mechanics of each region.
for Underground Mining (3nd Ed). Springler. 571p.
5. Lambe, T.W. & Whitman, R.V. (2008): Soil Mechanics. Assessment Methods:
Wiley Eastern Pte. Ltd. 535 p. Continuous assessment : 40%
Medium of Instruction:
Geological field mapping including recognition of rock types English
and structure. Data and sample collection including dip and
strike measurement and fossil. Introduction to the different Soft Skills:
geophysical, hydrological and environmental CS3, CT3, LL2, TS2, KK1, EM2, LS1
instrumentations and field procedures. Field operation,
analysis and mitigations. References:
1. Hutchison, C.S. & Tan, D.N.K (2009). Geology of the
Assessment Method: Malay Peninsula. University of Malaya & Geological
Continuous assessment: 100% Society of Malaysia.
2. Hutchison, C.S. (1996). Geological Evolution of South-
Medium of Instruction: east Asia. Geological Society of Malaysia.
English 3. Hutchison, C.S. (2005). Geology of North-west Borneo.
Soft Skills: 4. Lee, C.P. et al., (2004). Stratigraphic Lexicon of
CS4, CT4, TS3, LL3, KK1, EM2, LS2 Malaysia. Geological Society of Malaysia.
1. Lisle, R.J., Brabham, P. and Barnes, J.W. (2011). Basic
Geological Mapping, 5th Edition. John Wiley & Sons Climatic and sea-level changes during the Quaternary Period.
2. Barnes, J. (1991): Basic Geological Mapping. Geol. Soc. Models of climatic change. Quaternary record in oceans and
London Handbook Series. 118p. oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Classification and dating of
3. McClay,K. (1994) : Mapping of Geological Structures. Quaternary sediments. Practical classes on identification of
Geol. Soc. London Handbook Series. 161p Holocene landforms. Interpretation of borehole logs to
4. Lattman, L.H. & Ray, R.G. (1965): Aerial Photographs in determine the stratigraphy and physical features of
Field Geology, Hott, Rinehart & Winston, N. York. 221p. Quaternary sediments in Malaysia.
KAES2136 SOIL MECHANICS Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment : 40%
The course introduces soil as engineering material. It includes Examination : 60%
brief introduction on soil formation and its physical
characteristics. Also includes identification, classification and Medium of Instruction:
description of soil for engineering purposes. Application of English
mechanics on soil such as phase relationship, compaction,
permeability and seepage, stresses and effective stresses are Soft Skills:
also covered. CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2
Assessment Weightage: References:
Continuous Assessment: 40% 1. Bowen, D.Q. (1978). Quaternary Geology - A
Final examination : 60% stratigraphic framework for multi-disciplinary work.
Pergamon Press.
Language: 2. Lowe, J.J. and Walker, M.J.C. (1984). Reconstructing
English Quaternary Environments. Longman Scientific &
Transferable Skills: 3. West, R.G. (1977). Pleistocene Geology and Biology
CS7, CT3, TS5, LL3, KK1, EM2, LS2 (2nd Ed.). Longman.
1. R. F. Craig, ‘Soil Mechanics’, E & FN Spon, 1997.
2. B. M. Das, ‘Principles of Geotechnical Engineering’, Evolution of important ore deposits and geological
PWS, 1998. environment including lithology, stratigraphy and tectonic.
3. R. D. Holtz & W. D. Kovacs, ‘Introduction to Study of ore minerals. Usage and principles of reflectance
Geotechnical Engineering’, Prentice Hall, 1981. microscope. Ore mineral identification (optical and physical
4. D. P. Coduto, ‘Geotechnical Engineering Principles and properties). Interpretation of paragenesis with certain texture.
Practices’, Prentice Hall, 1999.
5. M. Budhu, ‘Soil Mechanics & Foundations’, Wiley, 1999. Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment : 40%
Examination : 60%