Page 194 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               References:                                        2.  Telford,  W.M.,  Geldart,  L.P.  and  Sheriff,  R.E.  (1990).
               1.   Telford,  W.M.,  Geldart,  L.P.  and  Sheriff,  R.E.  (1990).   Applied  Geophysics  (2nd.Ed.)  Cambridge  University
                   Applied  Geophysics  (2nd.Ed.)  Cambridge  University   Press.
                   Press.                                         3.  Mark   E.  Everett.   (2013)   Near-Surface   Applied
               2.   Mark  E.  Everett.  Near-Surface  Applied  Geophysics.,   Geophysics. Cambridge University Press.
                   ISBN: 9781107018778                            4.  Burger,  H.  R.  et  al.,  (2006)  Introduction  to  Applied
               3.   Burger,  H.  R.  et  al.,  (2006)  Introduction  to  Applied   Geophysics-Exploring  the  shallow  subsurface.  WW
                   Geophysics-Exploring  the  shallow  subsurface.  WW   Norton & Co., New York.
                   Norton & Co., New York.                        5.  Matt  Hall  (2012).  52  Things  You  Should  Know  About
               4.   Hinze,  W.  J.  et  al.,  (2013)  Gravity  and  magnetic   Geophysics. Paperback.
                   exploration:  Principles,  practices  &  applications.
                   Cambridge University Press.                    SII3004   INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT

               SII3002  ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPLORATION             Student is required to follow the industrial training program for
                              GEOCHEMISTRY                        14 weeks.  Industrial training must be related to geology and
                                                                  the student is required to prepare a presentation and a report
               The  characteristics  of  ecosystem,  hydrocarbons  (soil  and   for evaluation.   The training program will be briefed by the
               groundwater),  chemical  speviation,  bioavailability,  risk   industrial training program supervisor.
               management/assessment,   remediation,   environmental
               geochemistry,  geochemical  prospecting  and  mineral
               exploration.                                       Assessment Methods:
                                                                  Continuous assessment   : 40%
                                                                  Examination          : 60%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment   : 40%                      Medium of Instruction:
               Examination           : 60%                        English

               Medium of Instruction:                             Soft Skills:
               English                                            CS6, CT5, TS3, LL3, KK2, EM2, LS2
               Soft Skills:                                       1.   Geology book
               CS4, CT5, TS3, LL3, LS2, EM2, KK1                  2.   Journals
                                                                  3.   Memoirs  and  Report,  Department  of  Minerals  and
               References:                                           Goescience, Malaysia.
               1.   Pepper,  I.L.,  Gerba,  C.P.  &  Brusseau,  M.L.  (1996).
                   Pollution Science, Academic Press. 397 p
               2.   Rose,  A.W.,  Hawkes  H.E.  (1979):  Geochemistry  in   SII3005 PRACTICAL GEOHYDROLOGY
                   Mineral Exploration, Academi Press. 657 p
               3.   Foerstner, U. & Wittmann, G.T.W. (1979). Metal pollution   Laboratory and field  methods  in  geohydology  including  the
                   in the Aquatic Environment, Springer           aspects  of  quality, quantity  and  modelling  of  subsurface
               4.   Sengupta, M. (1992). Environmental Impacts of Mining;   water will  be  introduced. Selected local geohydrological case
                   Monitoring, Restoration and Control, Lewis     study will be carried out. Discussion on sampling procedures
               5.   Moon, C.J., Whateley, M.E.G. and Evans, A.M. (2006).   and course assessment.
                   Introduction to mineral exploration. 2  edition, Blackwell
                   Publishing, 481 p.                             Assessment Methods:
               6.   Marjoribanks, R. (2010). Geological methods in Mineral   Continuous assessment   : 40%
                   Exploration and Mining. 2  edition, Springer, 238 p.   Examination       : 60%

               SII3003 SEISMIC REFRACTION AND ELECTRICAL          Medium of Instruction:
                             METHOD                               English

               Theory  of  Seismic  Refraction  and  Electrical  Method.  Data   Soft Skills:
               acquisition and reduction of data. Problems in data acquisition   CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2
               and reduction. Sources of Seismic Refraction and Electrical
               Method anomaly. Analysis and interpretation   and modeling.   References:
               Application in exploration and industries.         1.   Fetter,  C.W.  (1994).    Applied  Hydrogeology,  Prentice
                                                                     Hall, New Jersey.
               Assessment Methods:                                2.   Todd,  D.K.  and  Mays  L.W.,  (2005).  Groundwater
               Continuous assessment   : 40%                         Hydrology. (3rd Edition).  John Wliey & Sons, New York
               Examination           : 60%                        3.   Domenico, P.A. & Schwartz, F.W. (1990). Physical and
                                                                     Chemical Hydrogeology. John Wliey & Sons, Singapore.
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                            SII3006   ENGINEERING GEOLOGY II

               Soft Skills:                                       Description, classification and characteristics of rock material,
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2                       rock  mass  and  aggregates.  Methods  of  engineering
                                                                  geological site investigation. Geological terrain mapping and
               References:                                        analysis.  Site  investigations  for  various  engineering
               1.  Sheriff,  R.E.  and  Geldart,  L.P.  (1995).  Exploration   structures/works.
                  Seismology. (2nd. Ed.). Cambridge University Press.

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