Page 236 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

                  (Research  Field:  Epistemology,  Metaphysics,  Analytic   COURSE SYNOPSIS
                  Philosophy,  History  of  Philosophy,  History  of  Arabo-
                  Islamic Philosophy, History and Philosophy of Science)   SIX1001 Introduction to Science and Technology

                  Dr. Nor Aishah Abdullah                      This course is designed to introduce the students variety
                  BSc(Mal), MSc, PhD (Mal)                     of aspect in S&T studies - history, philosophy, sociology,
                  (Research  Field:  Critical  Thinking,  Logical  Thinking  in   management, policy and economy; case studies in S&T.
                  Science, Science, technology and education)   Students  will  analyze  issues  in  S&T  by  using  S&T
                                                               framework  –  epistemology,  ethics,  environment,  and
                  Dr. Nurulaini Abu Shamsi                     entrepreneurship;  apply  variety  of  disciplines  from  S&T
                  BSc, BHSc(Hons) (Adelaide), MSc(Mal), PhD(Auckland)   studies  to  create  local  contextual  understanding  and  to
                  (Research  Field:  Health  Communication,  Science   apply  sustainable  S&T  intellectually  and  material.  The
                  Communication,  Science  Communication  and  Public   elements of this course include 1) history of development
                  Engagement, Public Health)                   of  S&T  in  society;  2)  critical  analysis  in  science  and
                                                               technology response; 3) effect of S&T in life; 4) initiative
                                                               in  sustainable  S&T;  and  5)  future  development  of
                  DEGREE LEVELS OFFERED                        alternative  S&T  system,  vis-à-vis  dominant  S&T

                  By Course Work:                              paradigm.

                  Bachelor of Science in Science and Technology Studies    Assessment Methods:
                  Master of Sustainability Science             Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                               Final Exam:          60%
                  By Research:
                  MSc                                          Medium of Language
                  PhD                                          English

                                                               Soft Skill
                  RECENT RESEARCH TOPICS                       CS1,CT1,EM1

                     Bioethics                                References:
                     Biotechnology and Society                1.   Asrar, G.R. (2013). Climate Science for Serving
                     Environmental Ethics and Environmental      Society (electronic resource): Research, Modeling
                      Development                                 and Prediction Priorities. Dordrecht: Springer
                     Environmental Philosophy                    Netherlands.
                     Ethics in Science and Technology         2.   Evangelos, K. (Ed.). (2013). Advances in Network
                     Food and Dietary Studies in Islam and Science    Analysis and its Applications Berlin, Heidelberg:
                     Food Security and Safety                 3.   Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
                                                                  Ulrike Felt et al (Ed.). (2017). The Handbook of
                     Gender and Science                          Science and Technology Studies. London: The MIT
                     History and Philosophy of Islamic Science   Press.
                     History and Philosophy of Science
                     Innovation Management                    SIX1002  Ethics and Safety
                     Logic and Critical Thinking
                     Management of Information Technology     This  course  is  designed  to  expose  to  the  student  the
                     Public Understanding of Science          importance  of  ethics  and  safety  that  arises  within  the
                     Science and Law                          scientific  profession  and scientific  research.  Real  cases
                     Science and Public Policy                of  scientific  ethical  misconduct,  as  well  as  the  relevant
                     Science and Religion                     principles  and  standards  of  ethics  in  science  will  be
                     Science Communication                    discussed.    The  importance  of  lab  safety  and
                     Science Journalism                       accreditation will also be explored.
                     Sustainable Development
                     Technopreneurship                        Assessment Methods:
                                                               Continuous Assessment:   100%
                                                               Medium of Language
                  CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                         English

                  Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the field of science   Soft Skill
                  and  technology  studies,  students  who  have  completed   CS2,CT1,EM2
                  this  program  have  a  wide  range  of  job  opportunities.
                  Among them are:                              References:
                                                               1.   Mazur,Dennis John. (2007).Evaluating the Science
                     Policy and Planning Officer                 and Ethics of Research on Humans: A Guide for
                     Strategic and Corporate Planning Officer    IRB.Members.Johns Hopkins University Press.
                     Research and Development Manager         2.   US National Academy of Sciences. (2010).
                                                                  Promoting chemical laboratory safety and security
                     Industry Liaison Officer                    in developing countries. National Academies Press:
                     Research Project Leader                     Washington DC.
                     Social Programme Manager                 3.   D'Angelo, J. (2012). Ethics in science: Ethical
                     Science Officer                             Misconduct in scientific research. CRC Press.
                     Diplomat and Administrative Officer
                     Consultant of S&T
                     Techno-entrepreneur
                     S&T Journalist
                     Researcher
                     Academician

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