Page 241 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

                  Assessment Methods:                          Assessment Methods:
                  Continuous Assessment:   60%                 Continuous Assessment:    100%
                  Final Exam:           40%
                                                               Medium of Language
                  Medium of Language                           English/Malay
                  English/Malay                                Soft Skill
                  Soft Skill
                  References                                   1.   Bailey, S. (2014). Academic writing: a handbook for
                  1.   Blackwell, J. & Martin, J. (2011). A scientific   international students. Routledge.
                      approach to scientific writing. New York: Springer   2.   Fink, A. (2012). How to conduct surveys: A step-by-
                      New York.                                   step guide. Sage Publications.
                  2.   Davis, Martha, Davis, Kaaron J., Dunagan, Marion   3.   Dougherty,  E.  (2012). Assignments  matter:  Making
                      M. (2012). Scientific papers and presentations (3    the connections that help students meet standards.
                      Ed). UK: Elsevier Inc.                      ASCD.
                  3.   Hoffman, Angelika. H. (2017). Scientific writing and
                      communication: Papers, proposals and
                      presentations. New York:  Oxford University Press.   SIS3008  Philosophy   of   Islamic   Science   and
                  SIS3006  Research Project
                                                               This  course  is  designed  to  discuss  the  concept  of
                  In this course, students will conduct research related to   philosophy  for  Muslim,  western  definition  of  philosophy,
                  one  of  the  areas  selected  by  the  student,  whether   problems  in  defining  philosophy,  several  aspect  of
                  epistemological,  environment,  ethics  or  science  and   philosophy   of   knowledge,   concept,   definition,
                  technology  policy.  Research  was  conducted  in  two   classification  and  employment,  differentiation  between
                  semesters. Assessment for this course is based on the   philosophy  and  knowledge,  branches  of  knowledge  of
                  presentation  of  the  results  of  the  study  and  the  final   philosophy,   branches   of   current   knowledge   of
                  report (thesis) prepared by the students.    philosophy,  science,  philosophy  and  Islam,  al-farabi
                                                               philosophy  of  science,  science  of  cosmology  and
                  Assessment Methods:                          revelation,  research  of  science  of  cosmology  in  Islamic
                  Continuous Assessment:   100%                history,  the  relationship  between  Ikhwan  al-safa’  and

                  Medium of Language                           philosophy  in  the  study  of  cosmos  and  hierarchy  of
                  English/Malay                                universe,  comparison  of  philosophy  between  al-Ghazali
                                                               and Descartes principle of philosophy
                  Soft Skill
                  CT3,EM1                                      Assessment Methods:
                                                               Continuous Assessment:   40%
                  References                                   Final Exam:          60%
                  1.   Marohaini Yusof. (2001). Penyelidikan kualitatif:
                        Pengalaman kerja lapangan. Kuala Lumpur:    Medium of Language
                       Penerbit Universiti Malaya.             English
                  2.     Jariah Mohd Jan. (2003).  Garis panduan penulisan
                          laporan penyelidikan, disertasi dan tesis. Kuala    Soft Skill
                          Lumpur: Institut Pengajian Siswazah, Universiti    CS1,TS2,LS1,EM1
                          Malaya.                                References
                  3.     Neuman, W.L. (2000). Social Research Methods:    1.   Mohammad Hashem Kamali, Osman Bakar & Daud
                         Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 4     Abdul-Fattah Batchelor. (2020). Islamic
                         Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.        Perspectives on Science and Technology.
                                                                  Singapore: Springer.
                                                               2.   Muzaffar  Iqbal.  (2009).  The  making  of  Islamic
                  SIS3007  Industrial Training                    science. Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust.
                                                               3.   Osman  Bakar.  (2014).  Islamic  civilisation  and  the
                  Students  will  undergo  industrial  training  at  least  12   modern  world:  Thematic  essays.  Brunei:  UBD
                  weeks  in  the  organisation  (ie  private,  public  or  NGO)   Press.
                  either in the country or abroad. The training content will
                  be  determined  by  the  respective  employer  with  advice
                  from the Department. During the training, students will be
                  exposed to the activities of organisations that are closely
                  related  to  key  elements  of  Science  and  Technology
                  studies  such  as  policy  and  management,  sustainability,
                  ethics  and  philosophy  of  science.  The main  purpose  of
                  this industrial training is to enable students to use their
                  knowledge gained at university and integrate it with the
                  actual working environment. It also provides opportunity
                  for  students  to  acquire  practical  skills  and  experience
                  working  on  projects  alongside  industry  expert.  This
                  course also provides opportunities for students to identify
                  potential employers as well as have a better outlook on
                  career  development  in  the  field  of  science  and
                  technology studies.

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