Page 79 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
P. 79

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               Main References:                                 Assessment Methods:
               1. Michael  J  de  Smith,  Michael  F  Goodchild  and  Paul  A   Continuous Assessment:    40%
                 Longley,  2013,  A  Comprehensive  Guide  to  Principles,   Final Examination:      60%
                 Techniques and Software Tools. The Winchelsea Press,
                 Winchelsea, UK.                                Medium of Instruction:

               SIH 3011 AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT             Main References:
                                                                 1.   Water Act 1920
               Introduction  on  agriculture  and  environment  from  the   2.   Environmental Quality Act 1974
               perspective  of  sustainable  agriculture.  Improvement  and   3.   Water Quality Standard Malaysia
               maintenance of soil quality. Source, impacts and control of
               environmental problem in agriculture. Utilization of different
               types of agricultural wastes and byproducts. Soil and food   SIH 3014 INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY
                                                                Industrial  Ecology  is  both  industrial  and  ecological.  It  is
               Assessment Methods:                              industrial  in  that  it  focuses  on  product  design  and
               Continuous Assessment:    40%                    manufacturing processes. Industrial is therefore viewed as
               Final Examination:      60%                      the  primary  agent  for  environmental  management  and
                                                                innovation,  as  it  possesses  the  technological  expertise,
               Medium of Instruction:                           management capability and financial and other resources
               English                                          necessary for the successful execution of environmentally
                                                                informed design of products and processes. Students will
               Main References:                                 be exposed with site visit to selected industrial zones for
               1.  Gliessman,  S.R.  &  Rosemeyer,  M.  Eds.  2009.  The   better understanding.
                  Conversion  to  Sustainable  Agriculture:  Principles,
                  Processes, And Practices. Boca Raton: Crc Press.   Assessment Methods:
               2.  Pierzynski, G.M., Sims, J.T. & Vance, G.F. 2005. Soils   Continuous Assessment:    50%
                  and  Environmental  Quality  (3 Edition).  Boca  Raton:   Final Examination:      50%
                  Thomson Publishing Services.
               3.  Raman,  S.  (Ed.).  2006.  Agricultural  Sustainability:   Medium of Instruction:
                  Principles,  Processes,  and  Prospects.  Boca  Raton:   English
                  CRC Press.
                                                                Main References:
                                                                 1.   Margaret Robertson (2014). Sustainability Principles
                       PREVENTION                                   and Practice
                                                                 2.   Journal  of  Industrial  Ecology.  Yale  university.
               Sources  and  types  of  waste  and  impacts  on  global
               warming..  LCA  and  audit.  Waste  reduction  processes.
               Reuse and Recycle to optimize waste reduction. Industrial
               waste management and Green Technology case studies.   SIH 3015  BIOCLIMATIC CONCEPT AND
               Cleaner Production and Waste exchange center. Industrial       APPLICATIONS
               case study group projects.
                                                                Part  I  -  The  development  of  energy  sector  in  Malaysia.
               Assessment Methods:                              Focusing  on  the  current  local  scenarios  including  the
               Continuous Assessment:    40%                    policies, programmes & international involvements.
               Final Examination:      60%                      Part II - Energy in built environment. Highlight the building
                                                                comfort,  strategies  for  low  energy  building  -  ‘bioclimatic
               Medium of Instruction:                           concepts’ and the assessment/evaluation approaches.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Main References:                                 Continuous Assessment:    40%
                1.   Agamuthu,  P  &  Masaru  Tanaka.  2014.  Municipal   Final Examination:      60%
                    Solid  Waste  Management  in  Asia  and  the  Pacific
                    Islands: Challenges and Strategic Solutions. Springer   Medium of Instruction:
                    Singapore                                   English
                2.   Journal   of     Cleaner    Production.
            Main References:
                    production                                   1.   Lechner,  N.  2014.  Heating,  cooling,  lighting:
                3.   Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management.   Sustainable  design  methods  for  architects.  New
            Jersey:  John Wiley & Sons.
                    rnal                                         2.   Thuman,  A.,  Niehus,  T.,  Younger,  W.J.  2013.
                                                                    Handbook of energy audits. US: The Fairmont Press.
                                                                 3.   Sim Van der Ryn, Cowan, S. 2013. Ecological design.
               SIH 3013 WATER AND WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT             Washington: Island Press.

               Students  will  engage  with  the  comprehension  of  policies
               and legal aspects especially for the technical requirement   SIH 3016     ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT
               which is stated in Environmental Quality Act, Water Act and
               Water  Services  Industrial  Act.  Technical  design  for  the   Risk assessment is a tool to make decision in  evaluating
               planning  of  water  and  wastewater  management  for   risk  towards  health  and  safety  in  ecosystem  and  living
               domestic and industrial requirement is also being included   environment.  Various  approach  will  be  introduced  in  this
               in this course.                                  includes calculation method.

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