Page 80 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021
Assessment Methods: factors that control their activities. Students will also be
Continuous Assessment: 50% equipped with the fundamental skill in microbiological
Final Examination: 50% laboratory techniques.
Medium of Instruction: Assessment Methods:
English Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Main References:
1. Hazel Kemshall and Jack Pritchard (1997). Good Medium of Instruction:
Practice in Risk Assessment and Management. English
2. Alghalith (2007). New Economic of Risk and
Uncertainty: Theory and Uncertainty. References:
1. Varnam, A. H. (2000). Environmental Microbiology.
London: Manson
SIH 3017 TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF 2. Maier, Raina M. (2000). Environmental Microbiology,
HAZARDOUS WASTES San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
3. Pepper, I. A and Gerba, C.P. (2015). Environmental
The technology and management of hazardous waste has Microbiology (Chapter 8: Environmental Sample
developed rapidly and dynamically. Technology transfers Collection and Processing). Pages 157-175.
have made the compliance of the existing regulations and
environmental policy achievable. However it is very crucial
in managing the hazardous waste, one possesses an SIH 3019 TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENT
overview of the field. It includes identification, handling,
treatment and disposal of hazardous waste including e- Introduction to tourism and ecotourism. Tourism and
waste. This course is intended to provide sufficient environment in Malaysian scenario including law, policy
exposure to the varied and complex problems of hazardous and guidelines. Principles of economic valuation on
waste, as well as, discussing the legislation, regulation, and environmental resources, in relation to tourism, e.g.
local and foreign impacts pertaining to its management. Willingness to Pay (WTP) and Travel Cost Method (TCM).
Case studies will be provided to assist student to relate to Students will be able to conduct a survey on WTP and TCM
actual environmental situation globally and locally, and via field visits and construct their own set of questionares.
current issues of the management of hazardous waste. Impacts of tourism to environment and how to achieve
sustainable tourism, in which SWOT analysis will be used.
Assessment Methods: Case study on selected ecotourism areas, like Protected
Continuous Assessment: 40% Areas, World UNESCO Heritage and Ramsar sites.
Final Examination: 60%
Assessment Methods:
Medium of Instruction: Continuous Assessment: 50%
English Final Examination: 50%
Main References: Medium of Instruction:
1. International Conference on Hazardous Waste English
Management (2008). Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Hazardous Waste
Management (1-3 October 2008) Crete, Greece.
2. Muhamad Rosli Sulaiman. (2006). Hazardous waste Main References:
management: with reference to the Enviromental 1. Department of Environment, 2009. Guidelines on the
Quality Act 1974. Shah Alam, Selangor: University Economic Valuation of the Environmental impacts for
Publication Centre (UPENA), 2006. EIA Projects. Ministry of Natural Resources and
3. Agamuthu, P. (2001). “Solid Waste: Principles and Environment.
Management”. University of Malaya. 2. Malaysian National Ecotourism Plan. 2006. Part 1-3.
Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism.
3. Edward Inskeep. 1991. Tourism Planning: An
SIH 3018 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach.
John Wiley & Sons.
Environmental microbiology is the study of microbial
communities in the natural environments such as soil, water
and air, and in man-made environments such as
bioreactors. The known diversity of microorganisms BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECOLOGY BIODIVERSITY
covered less than 1% of the microbial species on earth. PROGRAMME
Decomposing microbes have a special role in
biogeochemical cycles which recycle the nutrients back into
the ecosystem. Bacteria have symbiotic relationship which Career Prospects
is of great importance to human, animals and plants,
making unavailable nutrients accessible for growth. Their Government sector: Research officer (Q41),
ability to survive in some of the most extreme environments fisheries/agriculture officer / garden manager (G41),
on the planet made this amazing organism suitable for Science officer (C41), administrative / publishing / planning
various applications particularly in amending environmental officer (N41), training officer (E41), academic staff, curator
pollutions. In-situ applications of microorganism or
bioremediation are an important aspect in treatment of (S41), medical officer (U41), maritime officer (X41), sea
contaminated soil, sediments and marine environment. officer (A41) dan administrative and diplomatic officer
This course is aimed to introduce the amazing roles of (M41), and others
microorganisms in the environment and the possibility to
apply them for remediation purposes. It will be achieved by Private sector: Technical research staff / science officer
exposing students to the fundamental understanding of the (NGO), researcher/consultant (industry, consultation firms),
functions of microorganisms in the natural environment and marketing executive, academic staff,