Page 76 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               Assessment Methods:                              SIH 2012 CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENERGY SCIENCE
               Continuous Assessment:    40%                    This course introduces you to the key concepts, theories,
               Final Examination:      60%                      issues, challenges and debates within climate change and
                                                                energy  policy,  together  with  the  main  social  science
               Medium of Instruction:                           approaches to this multifaceted subject. Primary emphasis
               English                                          will be given to the basic concepts and techniques, but the
                                                                course will also include insights from innovation studies and
               Main References:                                 political  science.  The  focus  throughout  will  be  the
               1.   Smith  de  Michael  J,  Goodchild  M  .F,  Longley  P.A.,   opportunities,  challenges  and constraints  associated  with
                   2013, Geopspatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide   making  the  transition  to  a  low  carbon  energy  system.
                   to  Principles,  Techniques  and  Software  Tools,  The   Relevant  analytical  techniques  such  as  cost  benefit
                   Winchelsea Press, Winchelsea, UK.            analysis, decomposition analysis and energy modelling will
               2.   Allen  D.  W.,  2009,  GIS  Tutorial  II,  ESRI  Press,   also be briefly introduced

                   Redlands, California.                        Assessment Methods:
               3.   Continuous Assessment:    40%
                                                                Final Examination:      60%

               SIH 2010  LIMNOLOGY                              Medium of Instruction:
               Introduction to physical, chemical, and biological aspects of
               aquatic ecosystems. Origin of lakes and rivers formation.   Main References:
               Diversity, distribution, production, and community structure   1.   Energy and Environmental Science
               of  biotic  components.  Case  studies  on  selected  rivers,   (!rec
               lakes, wetlands, or dams.                            entarticles&adv)
                                                                 2.   Energy Science and Engineering
               Assessment Methods:                                  (
               Continuous Assessment:    60%                        SN%292050-0505)
               Final Examination:      40%                       3.   Dietz, R., O’Neill, D. (2013) Enough is Enough. San
                                                                    Fran: B-Koehler.
               Medium of Instruction:
                                                                SIH 2013 RENEWABLE ENERGY PROCESSES
               Main References:
               1.  Wetzel, R.G. 2001. Limnology: Lake and River   This  course  addresses  the  science  and  engineering  on
                  Ecosystem. 3  edition, Academic Press, San Diago,   biorenewables  (biofuels/bioenergy  and  chemicals  and
                  USA.                                          materials  from  biomass)  with  special  emphasis  on
               2.   bioenergy. Renewable resources (“biomass” - plant matter,
               3.  waste) can be converted into fuels and chemicals using a
                  1.htm.                                        variety  of  cutting-edge  technologies.  It  covers  new
                                                                thoughts, new methods and new achievements that have
                                                                emerged in renewable energy field in recent years. Related
               SIH 2011 MANAGEMENT OF COASTAL RESOURCES         techniques i.e. optimized process design, process control,
                                                                pretreatment  of  substrates  for  higher  conversion  rates,
               This course  will  give  the students  opportunity to  analyse   operational  and  energy  efficiency  improvement  and
               and  understand  the  importance  of  coastal  resources  in   quantification  and  optimization  of  the  environmental
               terms of socio-economic value, inland protection, climate   benefits that is inherent in the process will be introduced.
               change and ecosystem balance. Coastal resources among
               others  are;  mangrove  forests,  estuaries  and  sandy   Assessment Methods:
               beaches. Coastal problems like natural disasters, erosion,   Continuous Assessment:    40%
               land  conversion  and  sea  level  rise  will  be  discussed.   Final Examination:      60%
               Guidelines  in  coastal  development  and  management
               strategies like ICZM and ISMP will be introduced. Coastal   Medium of Instruction:
               rehabilitation approach like eco engineering technique will   English
               also be introduced. Glasshouse experiment and field site
               visits will be carried out.                      Main References:
                                                                 1.   Energy and Environmental Science
               Assessment Methods:                                  (!rec
               Continuous Assessment:    50%                        entarticles&adv)
               Final Examination:      50%                       2.   Energy Science and Engineering
               Medium of Instruction:                               SN%292050-0505)
               English                                           3.   Renewable Energy
               Main References:                                     energy/)
               1.   Simon, K. Haslett, 2008. Coastal Systems. Routledge.
                   New York.
               2.   ISMP documents
               3.   MERF  (2013).  Vulnerability  Assessment  Tools  for   SIH 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL FORENSICS
                   coastal ecosystem. A Guidebook
                                                                Environmental  pollution  had  caused  many  environmental
                                                                effect.  This  involves  the  quality  and  biodiversity  of  the
                                                                environment. Therefroe, this course will expose students in
                                                                investigation  of  environemntal  evidence  do  identify  the
                                                                causes of any pollution episode.

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