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FACULTY OPINION PIECE                                                                     Issue no. 3 | 2022
                                 The  term  Sinology  refers    Thoughts on Sinology
                                 to an academic discipline
                                                                               By Dr Yam Kah Kean
                                 that  covers  all  aspects  of          Department of Chinese Studies
                                 studies  related  to  China,
                                 ranging  from  Chinese       Sinological  research  offers  a  unique  academic
                                 thought,      philosophy,    contribution  to  understanding  all  aspects  of  China's
                                 religion,   to    history,   past  and  present.  Sinologists  are  scholars  who  have
                                 culture,       language,     received  strict  academic  training,  alongside  their
                                 literature, and so on. In    constant innovation and scholarly achievements. These
    general, the fields of Sinology can be reflected by the   advantages  help  in  overcoming  the  limitations  of  the
    traditional  book  cataloguing  system  that  divides     traditional  perspectives.  In  addition,  the  rigorous  and
    ancient Chinese texts into four categories: jing shi zi ji,  comprehensive  research  methods  of  Sinology  also
    or literally classics, history, thought and anthology. The  make up for the shortcomings of traditional academic
    classics  category  consists  of  Confucian  classics  only;  blind  spot.  New  methods  provide  new  level  of
    history  includes  works  related  to  historiography;  the  cognition  and  explanation,  thus  saving  Sinology  from
    thought  category  comprises  of  philosophical  and      being labelled as an old or outdated field.
    ideological  works;  the  anthology  category  is  a
    collection  of  various  writings  such  as  poems,  novels,  Furthermore,  traditional  Chinese  scholarship  has
    and etc.                                                  always emphasized the ultimate goal of learning, which
                                                              is  to  cultivate  morality.  For  instance,  the  notion  of  "six

    As  a  matter  of  fact,  Chinese  scholarship  of  old  had  classics  are  all  about  history";  it  links  history  with
    always regarded these forms of knowledge as a whole.      Confucian moral ideals, and therefore, to study history
    In ancient China, a Confucian was a learned thinker, but  is  to  pay  close  attention  to  the  cultivation  of  morality.
    he  probably  was  also  a  historian  or  a  linguist  or  an  Likewise, plots in the classical novel, Dream of the Red
    alchemist. This is what the ancient Chinese had in their  Chamber  may  seem  like  love  stories,  but  it  actually
    mind when naming a person elite.                          contains deep insights about life. In other words, rather
                                                              than being outdated, Sinology sustains self-cultivation

    Unfortunately,  nowadays  the  whole  has  been  divided  if one truly embraces it.
    into  pieces  in  the  academic  circles;  so,  literature  has
    little  to  do  with  philosophy  and  history  does  not  deal  In  the  Malaysian  context,  in  addition  to  the  above,
    with exegesis. The Laozi, a Taoist philosophical text, for  Chinese  Studies  also  include  various  research  fields
    example,  is  actually  a  compilation  of  beautiful  and  that  are  related  to  Malaysian  Chinese  (abbr.  Mahua),
    rhyming prose.                                            such  as  Mahua  figures,  Mahua  thoughts,  Mahua
                                                              community, Mahua language, Mahua literature and so
    When Sinology first appeared in the academic circle, it   on.  Therefore,  departments  of  Chinese  Studies  in
    focused  on  studying  things  in  relations  to  ancient  Malaysian  universities  are  bound  to  offer  courses
    China.  With  time,  Sinology  has  come  to  include     dealing with Mahua. Malaysia can emerge as a center
    research work on modern and contemporary China. In        of Mahua studies.
    short,  Sinology  can  be  divided  into  a  narrow  and  a
    broad sense, with the demise of the Qing Dynasty at the   Regarding  the  function  and  prospect  of  modern-day
    year 1911 as the watershed event. However, one must       Sinology  or  Chinese  Studies,  its  task  in  this  new  era
    bear in mind that it is only by mastering the traditional  should not be limited to interpreting classical Chinese
    knowledge  that  can  truly  understand  contemporary     culture.  Standing  upon  the  shoulders  of  the  past
    China.  Chinese  civilization  has  never  broken  this   researchers,  Sinology  offers  a  possibility  for  greater
    continuity, after all.                                    understanding     and    effective   exchanges    with
                                                              contemporary China.
    As far as the terminology is concerned, there should be    "traditional Chinese scholarship has
    a  distinction  between  Sinology  and  China  Studies.    always emphasized the ultimate goal
    While  the  former  deals  with  Chinese  studies  (as        of learning, which is to cultivate
    Sinology  is  often  referred  to),  the  latter  focuses  on  morality. For instance, the notion of
    China as a nation.                                          "six classics are all about history";"

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