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FACULTY OPINION PIECE                                                                     Issue no. 4 | 2022
    Businesses run by irresponsible groups of people often act  serious efforts in the area by incorporating the elements in
    as the agents of public corruption. Actions such as bribing  the 12th Malaysia Plan (12 MP).
    officials  to  bend  regulations  or  policies  are  commonly
    reported in certain parts of the world. Thus the efforts to  Besides that, there are also efforts made by bodies like the
    ensure responsible business practices led to the creation  Security  Commission  (a  statutory  body).  The  Malaysian
    of Environmental, Social and Governance disclosures and   Code of Corporate Governance (under the purview of the
    reporting.                                                Security  Commission)  recommends  directors  of  public
                                                              listed  companies  in  Malaysia  to  fully  disclose  their
    ESG  is  defined  as  firms’  obligation  to  increase    sustainable  policies  and  implementation  of  ESG  in  its
    environmental protection (preserving and conserving the   annual report. In a similar vein, Bursa Malaysia Securities
    ecological  systems),  improve  social  welfare  (upgrading  Berhad  had  also  published  a  guide  called  Sustainability
    the  wellbeing  and  quality  of  life  of  communities),  and  Reporting  Guide  to  assist  the  listed  companies  in
    securing  good  governance  practices  (incorporating     preparing  sustainability  statements  as  required  by  the
    transparency,  accountability  and  integrity  in  decision  BSKL. The sustainability framework provided in this guide
    making) while maintaining equitable and sustainable long-  and the adoption of the SDGs in 2015 had resulted in an
    term  wealth  for  stakeholders.  ESG  disclosures  act  as  an  increase in ESG disclosures in Malaysia.
    effective  tool  in  aiding  decision  making  actions  among
    stakeholders in businesses.                               On  the  other  hand,  SIRIM  Malaysia  Berhad  (a  corporate
                                                              organization   owned    wholly    by   the   Malaysian
    Investors  and  shareholders  will  put  their  trust  in  Government),  is  also  working  on  establishing  SIRIM
    businesses  that  demonstrate  responsible  behavior      standards, pertaining to this matter. Two standards – SIRIM
    towards  man-environment  interaction,  conduct  business  55 (on ESG requirements) and SIRIM 56 (on ESG reporting)
    ethically, practice good governance, and behave ethically  are  expected  to  be  ready  by  the  middle  of  2023.  These
    in  improving  societal  wellbeing.  Several  studies     standards  are  expected  to  provide  structured  ESG
    conducted in Malaysia, USA, EU and OECD countries have    reporting in Malaysia, to benefit both the stakeholders of
    shown  that  sustainability  efforts  such  as  ESG  disclosure  businesses and the society as a whole.
    actions   have   positive   association   with   business
    performance  and  firm’s  competitiveness.  Among  the    As  ESG  disclosure  is  a  voluntary  action,  a  stern  and
    contributing factors are lower risk to the investors due to  stringent  intervention  of  the  state  actors  is  expected
    transparency in reporting, and hence, increase the returns;  especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
    and lower cost of debt as lending institutions value a firms’  which  represent  more  than  95%  of  all  the  registered
    effort in disclosing ESG.                                 businesses  in  Malaysia.  Among  actions  which  can  be
     "Among actions which can be taken                        taken  to  increase  ESG  disclosure  among  SMEs  is  to
      to increase ESG disclosure among                        provide economic incentives in the form of tax exemption
                                                              or deduction, for a start. This should work as a trade off as
          SMEs is to provide economic                         ESG disclosure requires extra cost, in terms of resources,
           incentives in the form of tax                      effort, time and human resources.

     exemption or deduction, for a start.
       This should work as a trade off..."                    Government should also provide clear guidelines on ESG
                                                              disclosure for different elements of sustainability such as
    ESG is more readily adopted in nations and regions in the  climate change, resource extraction, waste management,
    Global North such as the USA and Europe compared to the   pollution  control,  diversity,  human  rights,  health  and
    Global South. For example, the European Commission has    welfare  of  communities  as  this  will  reduce  ambiguity  in
    issued  directives  on  the  non-financial  reporting  of  ESG,  reporting  and  enable  a  high  quality  output.  Workshops
    while the government of USA has made it mandatory for     and  training  opportunities  should  also  be  an  area  of
    companies to disclose certain ESG information as an effort  concern  to  increase  consciousness  of  ESG  among  the
    to create a more sustainable business environment. With   SMEs operators.
    the increasing recognition of the importance of the ESG at
    the global level, ESG disclosure is getting more attention  As a conclusion, ESG in Malaysia is a possible way to strike
    from  the  state  and  non-state  actors  in  Malaysia.  ESG  a balance between economic prosperity, social inclusion
    disclosures  by  businesses  in  Malaysia  will  contribute  to  and  cohesion,  environmental  sustainability  and  good
    Malaysian  commitments  to  SDGs.  Although  there  are  no  governance by major social actors, including governments
    strict  regulations  on  ESG  disclosures  in  Malaysia  at  the  and businesses – and a way to stride confidently towards
    moment, the Malaysian government has made some            Malaysia’s sustainability targets.

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