Page 124 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 124


                          department of Media and Communication studies

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS

                                                          Journalism, Broadcasting
                                                          News, Political Communication
                                                          New Media

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Political communication, journalism, news,
                                                          broadcasting, new media.

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS

                                                         Gong, J., Firdaus, A., Aksar, I. A., Alivi, M. A., & Xu,
             dr.                                         J.  (2023).  Intertextuality  and  ideology:  Social
             MUMTAZ AINI ALIVI                           actor’s representation in handling of COVID-19 from
                                                         China daily. Journalism, 14648849231157243.
                     Alivi,  M.  A.  (2023).  Voter's  gratification  in  using
                                                         online  news  and  the  implications  on  political
             EDUCATION                                   landscape in Malaysia. Asian Politics and Policy, 1–
                PhD (Mass Communication)                 20.
                    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)      Alivi, M. A., Ghazali, A. H. A., Tamam, E., & Osman,
                                                         M.  N.  (2021).  Motives  to  use  online  news  and  the
                Master of Corporate Communication        impact  on  satisfaction  with  the  government  and
                    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)      vote   choice.   Electronic   Government,   an
                BA (Hons)                                International Journal, 17(1), 55-74.
                    Major I: Language & Malays Linguistic  Alivi, M. A., Ghazali, A. H. A., & Tamam, E. (2018).
                   Major II: Journalism                  Significant effects of online news on vote choice: a
                   Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)       review.  International  Journal  of  Web  Based
                                                         Communities, 14(4), 379-394.
              UMEXPERT LINK
                                                       SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             RESEARCHER ID                                Best Broadcast Journalist 2001.
             AER-3263-2022 (Web of Science)               Panel  of  Judges  for  Hadiah  Kewartawanan
           Malaysia, Malaysian Press Institute (MPI).
                                                          National  Consultant  to  Review  and  Enhance  the
             SCOPUS ID                                    National  Multidimensional  Poverty  Index  (NMPI)  as
                                                          a Policy Making Tool in Poverty Alleviation.

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