Page 160 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 160


                                      gender studies programme

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Gender-based violence,
                                                          Violence against women,
                                                          Conflict and female education

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Cultural  Patriarchy,  Qualitative  Research,
                                                          Masculine  Domination,  South  Asia  Studies,
                                                          Women Empowerment

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Khan,  S.  Thambiah,  S.,  and  Hooi,  K.Y.  (2022).
                                                         ‘Women’s Agency as Reason for Life Threats among
                                                         the  Pashtuns  in  Pakistan:  Narratives  of  Women
                                                         Fleeing  Honor  Killing  and  Masculine  Domination’,
                                                         Violence Against Women, SAGE Journals.
             Saeeda Khan                                 Khan,  S.  (2021).  ‘Women  Struggle  for  Educational
                                                         Attainment:  An  Analysis  of  Women’s  Education  in
                           Post Conflict era in Swat Valley, Pakistan. Pakistan
                                                         Journal  of  Society,  Education  and  Language
             EDUCATION                                   (PJSEL), 7(1), 294-307.
                                                         Ali, S., Khan, S., Khan, A. A., & Khan, M. A. (2023).
                PhD (Gender Studies)                     The  Impact  of  Covid-19  on  Domestic  Violence:  A
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                Study  of  Khyber  Pakhtunkhwa.  Pakistan  Journal  of
                MPhil (Development Studies)              Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(2), 1752–1759.
                   Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,   Khan, S. and Jaswal, H. R. (2021). ‘The Positive and
                   Islamabad                             Negative  Effects  of  Working  From  Home  (WFH)  on
                                                         Young  Employees  during  Covid-19  Pandemic
                                                         Lockdown in Pakistan’, SARJANA, Vol. 36, Issue 1, p.
             RESEARCHER ID                               17-43.
          Ali, S., Ali, J., Khan, A. A., & Khan, S. (2022). The
                                                         Economic Impact of Covid-19: A Study of Small and
                                                         Medium  Entrepreneurs  in  Khyber  Pakhtunkhwa,
                                                         Pakistan. Pakistan Business Review, 24(2).

                                                       SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
                                                          Emerging  Young  Women  Leadership  Fellow  (2015),
                                                          Hanss  Seidel  Foundation  &  Institute  of  Peace  and
                                                          Diplomatic Studies.
                                                          IDRC  &  SDPI  Research  Fellow  in  Governance,
                                                          Security, and Justice in South Asia (2013).
                                                          Duke  of  Edinburgh  International  Award  (Bronze,
                                                          Silver, Gold) (2002–2008).

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