Page 166 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 166
Pakistan, 55 Race, 86
Palm oil, 97 Rape, 151
Parliament, 101 Recidivism, 18
Peatlands, 97 Regionalism, 99
Personality psychology, 16 Regressive analysis, 41
Pest and disease, 69 Religion, 20
Philology and hermeneutics of Chinese philosophy, 30 Renaissance literature, 54
Philosophical daosim, 30 Research data management, 106
Phonology, 91 Research methods in social sciences, 16
Photodegradation, 68 Research of a dream of Red Mansions, 28
Plant ecophysiology, 65 Resistance poetry, 55
Plant health, 69 Ritual, 20
Political communication, 119 River, 69
Political ecology, 153 Russia, 76
Political economy, 82
Political philosophy, 100
Political theory, 100 S
Political-economic system, 147 Sabah, 74
Politics, 63, 138, 139, 142, 152 Sabah studies, 154
Popular culture, 114 Sarawak regionalism, 34
Population, 23 Scholarly publishing, 107, 112
Port and shipping, 136 Scientometrics, 105, 106
Positive communication, 113 Seagrass restoration, 64
Postcolonial literature, 52, 53, 58 Security problems, 80
Poverty, 92 Semiconductor's geopolitics, 146
Prehistory, 22 Sex trafficking, 56
Prison and community corrections, 130 Sexism, 151
Professional journalism, 122 Sexual fluidity, 151
Protected areas, 19 Shakespeare, 54
Protohistoric age, 83 Sino-Malay Translation Works, 35
Psychosocial problems, 18 Sinophone poetry, 60
Public relations, 121 Siraiki, 55
Publishing, 112 Skills acquisition, 137
Publishing and technology, 116 Slope bioengineering, 65
Publishing business, 116 Small farmer, 62
Publishing technology, 124
Social and cultural geography, 141
Social change, 114
Q Social demography, 23
Qualitative approach, 66 Social impact, 67
Social inequality, 17, 95
Qualitative research, 108, 133, 155 Social informatics, 108
Quality management, 105 Social intervention, 131
Quantitative research, 120 Social justice, 21
Social management, 133
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