Page 167 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 167
Tamil education, 91
Social media, 108, 124
Social policy, 127 Tamil language, 93
Social rights, 21 Tamil literature, 94
Social science, 63 Taoist philosophy, 37
Social threats, 17 Taoist theology, 37
Social welfare, 127 Teaching, 91
Social well-being, 21, 127 Tertiary education & graduate employability, 137
Social work, 129, 131 Textual studies, 35
Social work practice with communities, 126 Thailand, 140
Socio-law, 134 The Chinese state and state enterprises, 147
Sociolinguistic, 38 The Philippines, 86
Sociology, 93, 95 The use of ICT for development, 110
Soft power, 146 Theatre, 49, 54
Soil science, 65 Think tanks in China, 144
Soil study, 62 Time series analysis, 41
Soil-plant hydraulics, 65 Tolkien, 59
Solutions journalism, 113 Toxic, 68
South Asia, 58 Trade, 87
South Asia studies, 155 Training and development, 133
South Asian politics, 103 Transboundary haze, 97
South China Sea, 101, 149 Translation, 91
South China Sea dispute, 144 Transnational (organised) crime, 102
South Thailand, 140 Transnational labor and gendered migration, 128
Southeast Asia, 74, 87, 138, 146 Treatment, 68
Southeast Asian politics, 98 Tropical crop, 62
Spatial, 63 Tropical polar teleconnection, 70
Species distribution patterns, 64 Twentieth-century literature, 57
Stateless and refugee groups, 128
Strategic communication, 121 U
Strategic studies, 100 Unmanned aerial vehicle, 69
Stratification, 95 Urban development, 67, 147
Student employability, 44 Urban heritage and development, 72
Subculture, 46 Usability testing, 118
Sulawesi, 87 User experience evaluation, 118
Sustainable development, 71, 153 User needs & behaviour, 110
Sustainable development and policy, 136 User needs & information seeking behaviour, 109
Sustainable waste management, 71 User-centered design, 118
Syncretism, 20
Systematic review, 109 V
Vegetation mapping and analytics, 69
T Versification, 60
Taiwan, 146 Vietnam, 74
Taiwan’s foreign relations, 144 Visual cultures, 57
Tamil Diaspora, 93 Voluntary Chinese organization, 34
Vulnerable group, 127
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