Page 36 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
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                                    department of chinese studies

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-cultural
                                                          Translation of Modern Literature
                                                          Language Teaching and Learning

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Literary criticism, Chinese literature, Malaysian
                                                          culture, literary translation, language teaching
                                                          and learning.

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS

              dr.                                        Zhang, S., Kuek, F., & Wu, Y. (2023). International
                                                         Students  Satisfaction  with  Online  Learning  and
              Florence Kuek Chee Wee                     Faculty   Engagement   during   the   COVID-19
                                                         Pandemic  in  Northwestern  Chinese  Universities.
                         International Journal of China Studies, 14(1), 79-107.
             EDUCATION                                   Kuek, F. (2023). Post-trauma: A Comparison of the
                PhD                                      Malay and Chinese Psyches in Response to the May
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                13 Tragedy in Their Literary Works from 1969 to 2019.
                                                         In  W.  C.  Sim  &  T.  K.  Y.  Tee  (Eds.),  The  Malaysian
                MDiv (Pengajian Biblika Lanjutan)        Albatross-  A  Collection  of  Literary  Essays  On  the
                   Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, U.S.A  May  13  Incident  (pp.  51-74).  National  Sun  Yat-sen
                                                         University, Taiwan.
                MA (Pengajian Peradaban)
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                Kuek, F. (2022). Poetry-reading in the End Times?
                                                         AIs,  Human  States  of  Being  and  the  Overman  in
                BA (Pengajian Cina)                      Malaysian  Chinese  Literature.  Forum  for  World
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                Literature Studies, 14(5), 745-764.

              UMEXPERT LINK                            SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
      University Awards – Certificate of Excellent Service
                                                         (Universiti Malaya), 2023.
             RESEARCHER ID                               Literary  Grant  –  Penghayatan  Kesusasteraan
             ABK-1523-2022 (Web of Science)              Melayu  di  Kalangan  Pembaca  Bahasa  Cina
          Serantau  (Persatuan  Penulis-penulis  Aliran  China
                                                         Malaysia), 2023.
             SCOPUS ID                                   UPUM Consultancy– George Town Literary Festival
             56373075400                                 (GTLF) Guest Festival Curator, (Penang Convention
                                                         and Exhibition Bureau) 2022 & 2023.

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