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P. 33
HMX7001 Research Methodology
Course Description
A MPhil structure programme in IAS required the MPhil candidates to pass one compulsory course which is the Research Methodology
(HMX7001) not later than second semester of the candidature. In this course, the candidates are assessed through summative
assessments such as assignment reports, quizzes, and presentations. Under this course, the students are guided through a series of
topics that emphasize hands-on applications. The course provides a forum for students to learn about expectations of a Master thesis,
using resources for research, applying for research funding, format for thesis writing, structuring a research design, and managing their
research and supervisors. The students would also acquire skills on how to avoid plagiarism, techniques to write a literature review
critically, and preparing an effective research proposal.
Learning Outcomes Evaluation & Weightage
At the end of the course, students are able to: 100 % (Continous Assessment)
MPhil candidates are required to pass a research methodology
1. Develop problem statements and research questions or course (which must encompass the broad approaches,
research hypotheses. methods and analyses in the field or discipline). Beginning of
2. Critically analyze literature reviews based on authentic academic session 2019/2020, the research methodology
sources of information in a particular field. course is graded (pass: B and above) and the candidate can
3. Develop appropriate research methodologies to be used for view the course grade in the academic transcript. MPhil
research in a particular field. candidates must adhere to the programme requirements
4. Write a research proposal paper. stated in the offer letter. 33