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20                                                                                                MASTER OF STRENGTH & CONDITIONING  2020/2021 ACADEMIC SESSION

                                                                                        Course Code        VQC7004
         Course Code        VQC7003                                                     Course Title       ADVANCED BIOMECHANICS
         Course Title       APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY AND NUTRITION                            Credit             3
         Credit             3                                                           Course Learning    At the end of the course, students are able to:
         Course Learning    At the end this course, students are able to:               Outcomes          1.  Determine  the  different  types  of  motions  during  typical
         Outcomes           1.  Relate the function of the physiological system and nutrition                 activities, and quantify the forces acting on the body.
                               to strength training and conditioning.                                     2.  Gauge  the  limitations  of  different  experimental  techniques
                            2.  Explain  the  physiological  response  and  adaptation  to                    used to quantify human movement and interpret the motion
                               strength training and conditioning                                             data accurately.
                            3.  Explain the energy requirement and nutritional strategies in              3.  Demonstrate  the  analytical  skills  necessary  to  perform  a
                               strength training and conditioning.                                            biomechanical analysis of human movement.
         Sypnosis           This course will focus on the physiological system and nutrition   Sypnosis    This  course  aims  to  develop  an  understanding  of  advanced
                            on  strength  training  and  conditioning.  This  involves  various            biomechanics  topics  and  methods  with  a  focus  on  gait  and
                            physiological  responses  and  adaptation  to  training.  Nutrition            postural  control.  Using  interfaced  forces  plates,  IR  cameras
                            required for strength and conditioning will also be discussed. In              and 3D movement analysis systems - experience is gained in
                            addition,  other  issues  related  to  physiological  system  and              the  collection  and  analysis  of  external  and  internal  forces,
                            nutrition concerning strength training and conditioning will also              angular  and  linear  kinematics,  and  muscle  activation.  While,
                            be addressed in this course.                                                   impulse momentum relationships are studied using high-impact
         Main Reference     1.  Baechle  T.R.  and  Earle  R.W.  (2008).  Essentials  of                   activities  such  as  running,  jumping  and  lifting.  The  course
                                Strength  Training  and  Conditioning.  3rd  Ed  Human                     involves  practical  sessions  which  will  be  conducted  in  the
                                Kinetics, IL.                                                              laboratory or gymnasium.
                            2.  Nicholas  Ratamess  (2011).    ACSM's  Foundations  of   Main Reference    1.  Enoka,  R.M.  (2015).  Neuromechanics  of  Human
                                Strength Training and Conditioning. LWW                                       Movement (5th Ed). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
                            3.  McArdle, WD, Katch, FI, &  Katch, VL (2014). Exercise                      2.  Robertson,  G.,  Caldwell,  G.,  Hamill,  J.,  Kamen,  G.  &
                                Physiology: Nutrition, Energy and Human Performance                           Whittlesey, S. (2014) Research Methods in Biomechanics
                                (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.                       (2nd Ed). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
         Assessment         Continuous Assessment:  60%                                                    3.  Whittle, M. Gait Analysis: An Introduction (2007). Elsiver
         Weightage          Final Examination:             40%                          Assessment         Continuous Assessment:  60%
         Soft Skills         1.  Communication skills CS1-CS4                           Weightage          Final Examination:             40%
                             2.  Critical thinking and problem solving skills CTPS1-CTPS3   Soft Skills     1.  Critical thinking and Problem solving skills : CT1-CT4
                             3.  Life long learning and information management LL1-LL3                    2.  Group work – TS1-TS4
                                                                                                          3.  Lifelong learning and information management LL1-LL2
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