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 Course Code   VQC7007   Course Code   VQC7008
 PROGRAMMES   Credit   3
 Credit   3   Course   At the end of the course, students are able to:.
 Course   At the end of the course, students are able to:   Learning   1.  Demonstrate correct and safe physical conditioning exercises
 Learning   1.  Distinguish different methods of fitness training.   Outcomes   for the different population group
 Outcomes   2.  Interpret the results of fitness tests and provide feedback.   2.  Apply  a  variety  of  physical  conditioning  methods  and
 3.  Plan and review a fitness training programme   programme variables
 Sypnosis   This  course  covers  the  advanced  knowledge  in  interpreting  and   3.  Design a strength and conditioning training program according
 analysing  fitness  data.  Focus  on  translating  these  data  and   to the needs of different population groups
 designing  a  complete  training  programme  will  be  emphasized.   Sypnosis   This  course  will  cover  both  theory  and  practical  components  of
 Latest computer-based monitoring and evaluation techniques  will   strength  and  conditioning.  This  course  is  an  extension  to  the
 also  be  covered.  Students  will  develop  the  ability  to  interpret   Advanced Strength and Conditioning 1  and  will focus on various
 results  against  recommended  values,  providing  feedback  to  an   anaerobic (i.e. plyometric, speed and agility) and aerobic training
 individual  regarding  how  fitness  levels  can  be  improved  and   programs.  The  highlight  of  this  course  will  include  physical
 planning  a  fitness  training  programme  for  a  selected  individual.   conditioning for special population.Training programs will take into
 Students are required to set goals for a fitness training programme   account the developmental stages for children, aging process for
 and plan the training year. They are also required to monitor and   older  persons  and  physiological  changes  that  occur  during
 evaluate a fitness training programme.    pregnancies.  Ultimately  a  safe  and  systematic  physical
 Main   1.  Heyward  Vivian  and  Ann  Gibson.  (2014)  Advanced  Fitness   conditioning approach will be thought. The practical session will be
 Reference   Assessment and Exercise Prescription, 7th ed, Human Kinetics   conducted in the laboratory, gymnasium or in the field.
 2.  Gregory  G  Haff  and  Travis  N  Triplett.  (2017).  Essentials  of   Main   1.  Baechle  T.R.  and  Earle  R.W.  (2008).  Essentials  of  Strength
 Strength Training and Condition, 4th ed, Human Kinetics   Reference   Training and Conditioning. 3rd Ed Human Kinetics, IL.
 3.  Coulson  Morc.  (2013).  The  Fitness  Instructor's  Handbook:  A   2.  Ratamess  N.  (2012).  ACSM’s  Foundations  of  Strength  and
 Complete Guide to Health and Fitness (Fitness Professionals),   Conditioning. American College of Sports Medicine. Lippincott
 2nd ed, A&C Black     Williams & Wilkins. Indianapolis, IN.
 Assessment   Continuous Assessment:  60%   3.  Chandler T.F. and Broen L.E. (2013). Conditioning for strength
 Weightage   Final Examination:             40%   and human performance. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
 Soft Skills     1.  Communication skills CS1-7   Assessment   Continuous Assessment:  60%
 2.  Critical thinking and problem solving skills CTPS1-7   Weightage   Final Examination:             40%
 3.  Life long learning and information management LL1-3   Soft Skills     1.  Communication Skills : CS1-CS8
                   2.  Group work – TS1-TS5  3. Leadership Skills LS1-LS3
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