Page 52 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
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(1977-1980); President of the Malaysian Medicine of Malaysia (1977-1980); President of
Orthopaedic Association (1983-1985); the Malaysian Orthopaedic Association (1983-
Member of the Editorial Board, Malaysian 1985); member of the Editorial Board, Malaysian
Medical Association (1976-1985); President Medical Association (1976-1985); President
of the Alumni Association of King Edward of the Alumni Association of King Edward VII
VII College of Medicine and the Faculty of College of Medicine and the Faculty of Medicine,
Medicine, University of Singapore and Malaya University of Singapore and Malaya (1980);
(1980); Member of the Malaysian Medical member of the Malaysian Medical Council (1977-
Council (1977-1981) dan President of the 1981) and President of the Association of Private
Association of Private Hospitals (1990-1993). Hospitals (1990-1993).
Pada tahun 2010, atas dasar In 2010, he founded Yayasan Sultan Ismail
keprihatinan beliau terhadap pelajar-pelajar College to help with this work in his old school
Kelantan dalam masalah menguasai Bahasa and other Government schools in order to
Inggeris, beliau telah mengambil inisiatif improve the standard of English and especially to
membiayai program dan kursus Bahasa enhance the use of the spoken language among
Inggeris di Yayasan Maktab Sultan Ismail dan students in Kelantan he has been sponsoring
sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan bagi membantu English language courses and activities such as
pelajar menguasai Bahasa Inggeris melalui debates, public speaking, play acting and even
program-program seperti debat, pengucapan singing in English for students there. He also
awam, lakonan dan lain-lain. Beliau juga telah founded the Yayasan Ortopedik with the aim
membiayai Yayasan Ortopedik bagi tujuan of fostering research in orthopaedics and was
penyelidikan dan menjadi asas penubuhan instrumental in setting up NOCERAL (National
NOCERAL (National Orthopaedic Centre Orthopaedic Centre of Excellence in Research and
of Excellence in Research and Learning) di Learning) at University of Malaya. In November
Fakulti Perubatan Universiti Malaya. Pada 2016, Dato’ Dr. Mahmood and his family provided
tahun 2016, Dato’ Dr. Mahmood dan keluarga an endowment for medical research at the
telah menyumbang dana kepada Fakulti Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. The
Perubatan sebagai geran penyelidikan endowment will be used to establish an annual
tahunan demi untuk meningkatkan mutu research grant specifically to address medical
dan produktiviti penyelidikan perubatan conditions pertinent to Malaysia and improve
dan klinikal di Fakulti Perubatan. Selain the outcomes on patient care in the Malaysian
itu, beliau juga telah berkerjasama dengan community. He is at present collaborating with
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) bagi Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in Kelantan to
membangunkan tiga klinik bergerak di set up three mobile clinics to serve the rural areas
pedalaman Negeri Kelantan bertujuan untuk targeting the elderly and disabled.
menyediakan perkhidmatan kepada warga
tua dan orang kelainan upaya (OKU). In 1987, he was conferred with the title of
Pingat Kebesaran Darjah Dato’ Paduka Jiwa
Mendirikan rumahtangga dengan Mahkota Kelantan (D.J.M.K.) by the Sultan of
Ragayah binti Dato Haji Mohd Eusoff pada Kelantan.
tahun 1961, beliau menganggap keluarganya
– isteri, keempat-empat anak beserta
pasangan masing-masing, sembilan cucu
dan seorang cicit merupakan barakah yang
tidak terhitung nilainya dan menjadi sumber
kebahagiaan dalam hidup beliau. Pada
tahun 1987, beliau telah dikurniakan pingat
kebesaran Darjah Dato’ Paduka Jiwa Mahkota
Kelantan (D.J.M.K.) daripada Sultan Kelantan
yang membawa gelaran Dato’.