Page 55 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
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appointed Tan Sri Rahim as an Adjunct Professor
terkini di Universiti Malaya dari tahun 2017
since 2017, he holds this position to date. Tan
sehingga sekarang. Sumbangan idea, tenaga
Sri Abdul Rahim’s contribution of extensive ideas,
serta pengalaman luas Tan Sri Abdul Rahim telah
energy and experience has opened opportunities
membuka peluang kepada anak-anak bangsa
for the younger generation, especially real
terutamanya para pelajar dalam bidang hartanah
estate students to move forward as professionals
untuk maju ke hadapan sebagai profesional
in the public and private sectors towards
dalam sektor awam dan swasta yang bercirikan
the development of the country’s real estate
profesional yang cekap untuk membangunkan
sector. Many property graduates have gained
sektor hartanah negara. Ramai graduan hartanah
experience through industry training schemes
telah eni ba pengala an dengan fir a beliau
that are available in his firm and subsequently
melalui skim latihan industri dan tidak kurang
many have been offered professional positions
juga yang terus ditawarkan pekerjaan sebagai
within his firm.
profesional hartanah.
Di Universiti Malaya sendiri, sumbangan At the University of Malaya, his contribution
kepakaran beliau dalam bidang hartanah within his real estate expertise is equally
sangatlah penting. Selain menjadi Profesor important. In addition to being Adjunct
Adjung di Fakulti Alam Bina, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Professor at the Faculty of Built Environment,
telah dilantik sebagai juri bagi UM Master Plan Tan Sri Abdul Rahim has been appointed as
Competition. UM Master Plan merupakan inisiatif a jury for UM Master Plan Competition. UM
untuk membangunkan semula kampus Universiti Master Plan is an initiative to rebuild the
Malaya agar menjadi kampus yang lebih UM campus to become a more resilient and
resilien dengan pembangunan yang bercirikan sustainable campus. In the drive to maintain and
kampus lestari. Atas keprihatinan beliau untuk motivate excellence among real estate students
mengekalkan serta memberi motivasi kepada at the University of Malaya, he has generously
kecemerlangan pelajar bidang hartanah, beliau contributed a RM40k fund to the gold prize
telah bermurah hati menghulurkan dana fund; a contribution to be given to outstanding
sebanyak RM40 ribu kepada tabung hadiah students of the Bachelor of Real Estate program
emas untuk pelajar cemerlang program Sarjana at the UM annual convocation ceremony.
Muda Harta Tanah dalam istiadat konvokesyen According to him, this small contribution is
tahunan UM. Menurut beliau, sumbangan kecil expected to spur interest and motivate students
tersebut diharap dapat menyemarakkan minat of the UM real estate program to achieve
serta memberi motivasi kepada pelajar program excellence in academic and co-curriculum which
hartanah UM untuk mencapai kecemerlangan will then become an asset to award recipients to
dalam akademik serta ko-kurikulum yang be more successful in real estate.
kemudiannya akan menjadi aset kepada
penerima anugerah untuk lebih berjaya lagi His efforts and skills were also acknowledged
dalam bidang hartanah. when he was given the trust to lead various
professional and non-professional bodies in the
country. Tan Sri Abdul Rahim was the President,
Kemampuan serta ketrampilan beliau
Royal Malaysian Institute of Surveyors for the
juga terserlah apabila beliau diberikan amanah
1986-1987 term; President, International Real
untuk memimpin pelbagai badan profesional
Estate Federation (FIABCI) Malaysia for the
dan bukan profesional dalam negara. Tan Sri
period 1982-1986; Yang Di Pertua, Malaysian
Abdul Rahim merupakan Presiden, Institut
Juruukur DiRaja Malaysia bagi penggal 1986- Malay Chamber of Commerce, Kelantan State
1987; Presiden, International Real Estate for the period 1985-1986 and the President,
Association of Valuers, Property Managers,
Federation (FIABCI) Malaysia untuk tempoh
Property Agents and Property Consultants of
1982-1986; Yang Di Pertua, Dewan Perniagaan
Malaysia for the period 1990-1992. Due to
Melayu Malaysia, Negeri Kelantan bagi penggal
the huge contribution and commitment that
1985-1986 dan Presiden, Persatuan Penilai,
Pengurus Harta, Ejen Harta dan Perunding Harta
Swasta Malaysia untuk tempoh 1990-1992. Atas
sumbangan besar serta komitmen yang beliau
berikan dalam industri hartanah, Tan Sri Abdul