Page 53 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
P. 53

Tan Sri Sr. Abdul Rahim

                                                 Abdul Rahman

                                                 Doktor Harta Tanah
                                                 Doctor of Real Estate

                            an Sri Sr Abdul Rahim bin                  an Sri Sr Abdul Rahim bin

                            Abdul Rahman dilahirkan                    Abdul Rahman was born
                     Tdi Kota Bahru, Kelantan                   Tin Kota Bahru, Kelantan on
                     pada tanggal 13 Oktober 1939.              October 13, 1939.

                        Beliau merupakan anak bongsu daripada 3     He is the youngest among 3 children of
                     orang adik-beradik hasil perkahwinan Hj. Abdul   En Hj Abdul Rahman bin Mohamed and Pn
                     Rahman bin Mohamed dan Habibah binti Ibrahim   Habibah binti Ibrahim Khan. His father was a
                     Khan. Ayahandanya seorang guru sekolah     school teacher while his mother was a successful
                     manakala ibunda pula seorang ahli perniagaan   businesswoman. He had his early education
                     wanita yang berjaya. Beliau mendapat       at Sekolah Kebangsaan Salor and Sekolah
                     pendidikan awal di Sekolah Kebangsaan Salor   Kebangsaan Kg. Chengal, Kota Bahru before
                     dan Sekolah Kebangsaan Kg. Chengal,  Kota   continuing his secondary education at Sultan
                     Bahru sebelum melanjutkan pengajian di     Ismail College in 1950. His excellent achievement
                     peringkat menengah di Sultan Ismail College pada   in the Cambridge School Certificate e amination
                     tahun 1950. Beliau telah memperolehi kelulusan   enabled him to pursue his Form Six education at
                     cemerlang di dalam peperiksaan Cambridge   the Penang Free School, Penang.
                     School Certificate dan membolehkan beliau
                     melanjutkan pengajian ke tingkatan enam di     In pursuit of the desire to acquire knowledge
                     Penang Free School, Pulau Pinang.          overseas and together with the excellent
                                                                Certificate of  igher  ducation results, Tan Sri
                                                                was offered the Federal Government Scholarship
                        Keinginan untuk menimba ilmu pengetahuan
                                                                to pursue his studies at the Hammersmith
                     di luar negara dan ditambah pula dengan
                                                                College of Building, London in 1962. Thereafter
                     keputusan Certificate of  igher  ducation
                                                                he enrolled at the College of Estate Management,
                     yang cemerlang, Tan Sri Sr Abdul Rahim telah
                                                                University of London to obtain the Professional
                     ditawarkan Biasiswa Persekutuan untuk
                                                                Diploma in Surveying in 1966. The knowledge
                     meneruskan pengajian di Hammersmith College
                                                                that was gained during his studies was further
                     of Building, London pada tahun 1962, dan
                     seterusnya di College of Estate Management,
                     University of London hingga memperolehi
                     Professional Diploma in Surveying pada tahun
                     1966. Ilmu yang diperoleh di dalam bilik kuliah
                     diperkukuhkan lagi dengan latihan dalam

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