Page 66 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
P. 66

•   President and Organizing Chairman, 9    •   President and Organizing Chairman, 9
                    Asian Pacific  igestive Week pada 19 -22    Asian Pacific  igestive Week from 19 -
                    September 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.    22  September 2010, Kuala Lumpur,
                •   Course Director 1993-2016, (MSGH dan       Malaysia.
                    Universiti Malaya) Bengkel Annual Live   •   Course Director 1993-2016, (MSGH and
                                                               the University of Malaya) Annual Live
                    International Therapeutic Endoscopy di
                    Unit Endoskopi PPUM                        International Therapeutic Endoscopy
                •   Founding Chairman Specialist               workshops at the Endoscopy unit of the
                    Subcommittee (2004-2016                    UMMC.
                    Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the   •   Founding Chairman Specialist
                    National Specialist Register, Malaysia.    Subcommittee (2004-2016) for
             Sebagai pengiktirafan terhadap kerja akademik     Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the
             dan penyelidikannya, Dato’ Dr. KL Goh telah       National Specialist Register, Malaysia.
             diundang sebagai penceramah jemputan        In recognition of his academic work & research,
             untuk pelbagai persidangan antarabangsa     Dato’ Dr. KL Goh has been an invited Faculty
             di seluruh dunia termasuk World Congress    member for numerous international conferences
             of Gastroenterology di Bangkok, 2001 dan di   around the world. He has been an invited speaker
             Montreal pada tahun 2005.  Beliau pernah    for numerous international meetings including
             menyampaikan kuliah Seni Negara - “Mengubah   the World Congress of Gastroenterology in
             Epidemiologi Penyakit Gastrointestinal di Asia”   Bangkok, 2001 and in Montreal in 2005. He
             di  inggu  sia  asifik  en ernaan      di  eoul    delivered the State of the Art lecture- “Changing
             Korea dan Pertubuhan Global Gastroenterology   Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Diseases in
             World Distinguished, menyampaikan syarahan   Asia  at the Asian Pacific  igestive Week 2005
             - “Emerging Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases   in Seoul, Korea and the World Gastroenterology
             in the Asia Pacific Region - Implications to   Organization Global Distinguished lecture –“
             Healthcare” di Asia Pacific  igestive Week (APDW)   Emerging Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases
             Taiwan pada tahun 2015.  Beliau telah menjadi   in the Asian Pacific Region- Implications to
             pembentang utama di banyak persidangan       ealthcare  at the Asia Pacific  igestive Week
             saintifik di  ropah    erika  tara dan  uga di   (APDW) Taiwan in 2015. He has been a keynote
             seluruh rantau  sia  asifik  Beliau turut dilantik   speaker at many scientific conferences in  urope,
             sebagai Profesor Pelawat di University of Arizona,   North America and throughout the Asia-Pacific
             Amerika Syarikat pada bulan Mei 2004 dan di   region.  Additionally, he was appointed as
             University of Magdeburg, Jerman pada bulan   Visiting Professor at the University of Arizona,
             November 2005.                              USA in May 2004 and at the University of
                 Dato’ Dr. KL Goh telah diiktiraf di     Magdeburg, Germany in November 2005.
                                                             Dato’ Dr. KL Goh is widely recognized
             peringkat antarabangsa sebagai pemimpin
                                                         as an international authority and leader in
             yang berpengalaman luas dalam bidang
                                                         gastroenterology and gastrointestinal endoscopy.
             gastroenterologi dan endoskopi. Beliau
                                                         As such, he has held several leadership positions
             telah diberi pengiktirafan untuk memegang
                                                         in International Organisations as follows:
             pelbagai jawatan kepimpinan dalam Organisasi
             Antarabangsa seperti berikut:

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