Page 71 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
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articles in the mass media. She is also frequently
prosiding nasional dan antarabangsa serta
invited as a panelist for programs on television.
pelbagai artikel di dalam pelbagai media massa.
She is also the Editor In Chief of the Journal of
Beliau juga sering dijemput menjadi ahli panel
untuk pelbagai program di televisyen. Beliau juga Institutions and Economies and an assessor of
merupakan Editor In Chief bagi Jurnal Institutions both local and international journals.
and Economies dan penilai untuk jurnal tempatan
Appointed as Director of the Social
dan juga antarabangsa.
Wellbeing Research Center (SWRC) from October
Datuk Dr. Norma telah dilantik sebagai 2012 to the present, Datuk Norma is the pillar
Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan Kesejahteraan of SWRC’s success in carrying out numerous
Sosial (Social Wellbeing Research Centre, research efforts in the area of social protection.
SWRC) mulai Oktober 2012 hingga kini. Beliau She is also responsible for developing SWRC
merupakan tunggak utama kejayaan SWRC research interventions with local and foreign
dalam menjalankan pelbagai usaha penyelidikan organizations such as the Employees Provident
dalam bidang perlindungan sosial. Beliau juga Fund (EPF), the Department of Statistics
bertanggungjawab mengembangkan jalinan Malaysia (DOSM), the University of Michigan,
penyelidikan SWRC dengan pelbagai organisasi the University of Tokyo and many others
dari dalam dan luar negara, seperti Kumpulan enabling SWRC to become a member of the
Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP), Jabatan Statistik Global Ageing Network.
Malaysia (DOSM), The Regents of University of
Michigan, University of Tokyo dan banyak lagi Datuk Norma’s contribution to the economy
yang membolehkan SWRC menjadi ahli kapada in Malaysia and internationally cannot be
Gateway to Global Ageing Network. denied, and this is evidenced by the awards
obtained by her including the EEC ASEAN
Award, the Asian Institute of Management - Best
Sumbangan Datuk Dr. Norma dalam bidang
Paper Award, Japan Institute of International
ekonomi, baik di Malaysia mahupun di persada
Affairs (JIIA) Fellowship, Institute of Developing
antarabangsa tidak dapat disangkal lagi, dan
conomies (I ) Fellowship, Asia Pacific Rim
ini dapat dibuktikan melalui pelbagai anugerah
yang telah diterima oleh beliau, antaranya Universities (APRU) Fellowship, Fulbright
ialah EEC ASEAN Award, Asian Institute of Fellowship at MIT, Stanford University USA
Management - Best Paper Award, Japan Institute and East West Center USA. She is also a Ragnar
of International Affairs (JIIA) Fellowship, Institute Nurske Visiting Professor at Tallinn University of
of Developing Economies (IDE) Fellowship, Asia Technology. She was conferred with Johan Setia
Mahkota (J.S.M), Darjah Indra Mahkota Pahang
Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Fellowship,
and National Servicemen Degree (P.J.N).
Fulbright Fellowship di Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (M.I.T), Stanford University USA dan
Datuk Norma is married to Haji
East West Centre USA. Beliau juga pernah menjadi
Ragnar Nurske Visiting Professor di Tallinn Shamsuddin Ali ussin, a close confidant and
motivator in her life. This happy couple are
University of Technology, Estonia.
blessed with two children, Irfan 20 years and
Datuk Dr. Norma telah dianugerahkan Irina 15 years old.
darjah Johan Setia Mahkota (J.S.M), Darjah Indra
Mahkota Pahang (D.I.M.P) dan Darjah Kebesaran
Panglima Jasa Negara (P.J.N).
Datuk Dr. Norma telah mendirikan rumah
tangga dengan Haji Shamsuddin Ali Hussin,
yang merupakan sahabat paling akrab dan juga
pendorong utama dalam hidup beliau. Pasangan
bahagia ini telah dikurniakan sepasang cahaya
mata, Irfan 20 tahun dan Irina 15 tahun.