Page 70 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
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and Administration from 2004 to 2009. She was
dan Pentadbiran dari tahun 2004 hingga 2009.
then appointed as the Secretary General of the
Beliau kemudiannya telah dilantik sebagai
National Economic Advisory Council (MPEN)
Ketua Setiausaha Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi
from 2009 to 2011. She returned to UM until her
Negara (MPEN) pada tahun 2009 hingga 2011.
compulsory retirement on September 8, 2017.
Selepas itu, beliau kembali bertugas di Universiti
Her never-ending passion and determination
Malaya (UM) sehinggalah bersara wajib pada 8
to contribute to the nation’s education made
September 2017. Semangat serta kesungguhan
her decide to continue serving as a contract
beliau yang tidak pernah luntur dalam mendidik
Professor at the Faculty of Economics and
anak bangsa telah mendorong beliau untuk
Administration. During the 33 years of her tenure
menyambung khidmat sebagai Profesor Kontrak
as a Lecturer, Datuk Norma has produced over a
di Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pentadbiran, Universiti
thousand Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degree
Malaya. Sepanjang tempoh 33 tahun menggalas
tanggungjawab sebagai Pensyarah, Datuk Dr.
Norma telah melahirkan lebih seribu graduan di
Her expertise in economics was recognized
peringkat Sarjana Muda, Sarjana dan juga Ijazah
both at the national and international levels
where she was appointed as an assessor, a
Kepakaran beliau dalam bidang ekonomi consultant or member on the panels of various
telah diiktiraf di peringkat nasional dan juga committees among which are as consultant
antarabangsa. Ini terbukti apabila beliau telah for Transparency International (Malaysian
dilantik sebagai panel penilai, pakar rujuk dan Chapter) (2000-2001), FAMA-IPTA Steering
ahli serta panel di dalam pelbagai jawatankuasa, Committee Member (2005 ), National Council
antaranya Konsultan Transparency International of Academic Awards (2007), Chairman of the
(Malaysian Chapter) (2000-2001), Ahli Council of the Dean of Economics (IPTA) (2004-
Jawatankuasa Pemandu FAMA-IPTA (2005), 2008), MyBrain, Advisor 15 Higher Education
Ahli Penilai Anugerah Akademik Negara (2007), Strategic Plan (2008), Economic Planning Unit
Pengerusi Majlis Dekan-dekan Ekonomi (IPTA) Consultant (EPU), Pahang State Economic
(2004-2008), Penasihat MyBrain 15 Pelan Advisory Council Member (2012), Universiti
Strategik Pengajian Tinggi (2008), Konsultan Utara Malaysia Advisory Board member (2012-
Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU), Jabatan Perdana 2014), Megatrends Committee Member, Ministry
Menteri (2012), Ahli Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi of Science, Technology and Innovation (2012-
Negeri Pahang (2012), Lembaga Penasihat 2014), Panelist of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
Universiti Utara Malaysia (2012–2014), Ahli (DBP) (2013 ), Board Member of the University
Jawatankuasa Megatrends, Kementerian Sains, of Malaya (2016-2017), Member of the National
Teknologi dan Inovasi (2012-2014), Ahli Panel Salary Consultative Council (2017-2020),
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) (2013), Ahli Member of the SOCSO Occupational System
Lembaga Pengarah Universiti Malaya (2016- Committee (2018-2020), Knowledge Hub, World
2017), Anggota Majlis Perundingan Gaji Negara Bank and more.
(2017–2020), Ahli Jawatankuasa Sistem Insuran
Pekerjaan SOCSO (2018-2020), Ahli Hub Known for her expertise in Social Protection,
Pengetahuan, Wold Bank dan pelbagai lagi. Public Policy, Development and Governance and
Public Management, Datuk Norma has produced
over 100 scientific papers and articles in WoS
Datuk Dr. Norma terkenal dengan
Scopus publications, chapters in books, national
kepakaran dalam bidang Perlindungan Sosial
(Social Protection), Polisi Awam (Public Policy), and international proceedings and various
Pembangunan dan Governan (Development
and Governance) dan juga Pengurusan Awam
(Public Management). Beliau telah menghasilkan
lebih daripada 100 buah tulisan ilmiah dan
artikel dalam media massa termasuklah buku,
penerbitan WoS/Scopus, bab dalam buku, kertas