Page 96 - Annual Report 2021
P. 96

Overview  Leadership  Message  Business Segment   Moving Forward  Our Resources  Working for a   Corporate   Financial
                                     Review         Plan                      Better Tomorrow  Governance  statements

          nOTES TO THE FInanCIaL STaTEmEnTS

          13.  aMOunts OWing BY/(tO) HOlDing EntitY

                                                             the group                     the company
                                                        2021             2020          2021           2020
                                                         rM             rM              rM              rM
             amount Owing by Holding Entity
             Non-trade balance                                -         80,000               -              -

             amount Owing to Holding Entity

             Non-trade balance                      (25,870,560)     (12,825,549)   (12,014,697)       (12,825,549)

             Non-trade balance                       (6,424,707)      (19,844,033)   (2,983,474)     (3,865,580)
                                                    (32,295,267)      (32,669,582)     (14,998,171)     (16,691,129)

             (a)  The amount owing by holding entity represents unsecured, interest free advances and payments made on behalf.
                The amount owing is repayable on demand and is to be settled in cash.

             (b)   The amount owing to holding entity represents unsecured, interest free advances and payments made on behalf.
                The amount owing is repayable on demand except for RM25,870,560 (2020 - RM12,825,549).

          14.  aMOunt OWing BY suBsiDiariEs
                                                            the company
                                                        2021           2020
                                                         rM              rM

             Non-trade balance                               -       11,789,697

             Non-trade balance                        4,925,192      6,182,662
                                                      4,925,192     17,972,359

             The amount owing by subsidiaries represents unsecured, interest free advances and payments made on behalf except
             for an amount  of RM11,789,697 in the previous financial year which bears interest of 7% per annum.

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