Page 99 - Annual Report 2021
P. 99

20. traDE PaYaBlEs
              The normal trade credit terms granted to the Group range from 30 to 90 (2020 - 30 to 90) days.

              Included in the trade payables of the Group is an amount of RM11,619,548 (2020 - RM10,385,781) relating to the
              accrual of  consultancy fees incurred during the financial year.

           21.  OtHEr PaYaBlEs anD accruals

                                                               the group                     the company
                                                          2021             2020          2021           2020
                                                           rM             rM              rM             rM
              Other payables                             5,939,416      8,275,246       1,105,361       856,352
              Accruals                                  13,122,768      8,221,862      2,631,585       1,803,196
              Deposit received                            670,905              -              -              -
              Deferred income                            1,274,280             -              -              -
              Dividend Payable                          4,500,000              -      4,500,000              -
                                                       25,507,369       16,497,108     8,236,946      2,659,548

              Research grants are recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the conditions attached to the grants are
              complied with and the grant will be received.

           22. rEVEnuE
                                                               the group                     the company
                                                          2021             2020          2021           2020
                                                           rM             rM              rM             rM

              Medical specialist centre and
                 related healthcare services           207,648,718     195,215,757            -              -
              Education services                        17,661,273     18,855,973             -              -
              Research and drug discovery                8,147,919             -              -              -
              Plantations                                6,126,449             -              -              -
              Project related services                     28,261         86,850          28,261         86,850
              Project management services                1,914,459        679,179             -              -
              Management fee income                        24,000        136,000              -              -
              Dividend income                               6,000          6,000       7,344,000     5,366,000
                                                       241,557,079    214,979,759      7,372,261      5,452,850

                                                                                                Annual Report 2021      99
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104