Page 103 - Annual Report 2021
P. 103

24. incOME tax ExPEnsE (cOnt’D)
              A reconciliation of income tax expense applicable to the profit before taxation at the statutory tax rate to income tax
              expense at the effective tax rate of the Group and of the Company is as follows:-

                                                               the group                     the company
                                                          2021             2020          2021           2020
                                                           rM             rM              rM             rM

              Profit before taxation                   25,033,363      17,829,950      5,682,126      5,025,385

              Tax at the statutory tax rate
                 of 24% (2020 - 24%)                    6,008,007       4,279,188       1,363,710     1,206,092

              Tax effects of:-
              Non-deductible expenses                    1,129,782       420,538         113,690        125,812
              Non-taxable income                                -           (357)     (1,760,993)    (1,287,840)
              Utilisation of deferred tax assets
                 previously not recognised               (541,701)      (244,831)             -              -
              Deferred tax assets not recognised during the
                 financial year                           286,386              -        283,593              -
              Under/(Over)provision in the
                 previous financial year:
              - current tax                              (218,184)       680,477        (68,569)         58,424
              - deferred tax                            (608,869)        370,470              -              -
                                                         6,055,421      5,505,485       (68,569)        102,488

              No deferred tax assets are recognised on the following items:-

                                                               the group                     the company
                                                          2021             2020          2021           2020
                                                           rM             rM              rM             rM

              Unutilised tax losses                    36,305,795      35,538,207      3,139,749       1,983,786
              Unabsorbed capital allowances               379,358       2,103,287       376,395         350,721
              Other deductible temporary differences     3,583,591      3,691,063             -              -
                                                        40,268,744     41,332,557       3,516,144     2,334,507

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