Page 105 - Annual Report 2021
P. 105

27. rElatED PartY DisclOsurEs
              Other than those disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements, the Group and the Company also carried out the
              following significant transactions with the related parties during the financial year:-

                                                               the group                     the company
                                                          2021             2020          2021           2020
                                                           rM             rM              rM             rM

              Dividends paid to holding entity         7,930,000      2,400,000       7,930,000      2,400,000
              Purchases from a related party           18,159,022     16,082,733              -              -
              Rental of premises paid/payable
                 to related parties                     2,222,729       1,519,851             -              -
              Rental of premises paid/payable
                 to holding entity                     2,776,065              -               -              -
              Rental of plantations paid/payable
                 to holding entity                     1,000,000              -               -              -
              Dividends received from subsidiaries             -              -      (7,344,000)     (5,366,000)
              Project related fee received/receivable from
                 holding entity and/or related parties    (28,261)      (86,850)        (28,261)       (86,850)
              Management fee income received/receivable
                 from holding entity                    (24,000)              -               -              -
              Management fees received/receivable
                 from subsidiaries                             -              -               -      (1,886,808)
              Interest received/receivable from a subsidiary    -             -       (269,489)       (583,670)
              Loan repayment from a subsidiary                 -              -        (810,852)      (2,177,872)

           28. caPital cOMMitMEnt
                                                               the group
                                                          2021           2020
                                                           rM              rM

              Purchase of plant and equipment          14,645,905     14,289,530

                                                                                                Annual Report 2021      105
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110