Page 100 - Annual Report 2021
P. 100
Overview Leadership Message Business Segment Moving Forward Our Resources Working for a Corporate Financial
Review Plan Better Tomorrow Governance statements
23. PrOFit BEFOrE taxatiOn
the group the company
2021 2020 2021 2020
rM rM rM rM
Profit before taxation is arrived
after charging/(crediting):-
Auditors’ remuneration:
- current financial year 150,000 150,000 35,000 35,000
Depreciation of plant and equipment 3,110,978 3,029,503 11,382 4,585
Directors’ fees:
- directors of the Company 127,395 62,667 127,395 62,667
- directors of the subsidiaries 225,318 201,700 - -
Directors’ other emoluments:
- directors of the Company 827,000 86,355 827,000 86,355
- directors of the subsidiaries 875,793 83,618 - -
Impairment losses on:
- investment in associates - 90,715 - -
- amount owing by related parties - 496,930 - 496,930
- other receivables - 246,136 - -
- trade receivables 210,196 1,317,820 - -
Inventories written off 42,515 67,368 - -
Loss on disposal of equipment 31,794 359 - -
Plant and equipment written off - 70,043 - -
Rental expense on:
- premises 7,570,761 7,308,530 - -
- lab/shuttle buses 3,990 55,827 - -
- office equipment 259,027 170,252 7,872 4,800
- land 1,000,000 - - -
Staff costs:
- salaries, allowances and bonus 40,243,680 36,141,886 946,208 2,086,989
- defined contribution plan 3,234,409 3,097,341 63,018 158,829
- others 1,387,384 1,874,011 9,030 2,391
100 UM Holdings Group